Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

teknik bermain WE yang baik dan benar

Ini untuk para gamer Winning Eleven,aku kasih trik-triknya:
1. Lari biar makin cpet = tahan R1 ambil pencet arah yg dituju secara trus menerus
2. Loss in bola = saat terima passing lepas smua tombol n tahan R1
3. Loss in bola tp ngejer = saat terima bola lepas smua tombol dan than R1 serta arah yang dituju
4. Clive turn : saat bawa bola puter analog kanan
5. Terima bola ke arah gawang = saat terima pasing lepas smua tombol dan tahan tombol R2
6. Fake step = saat diam dalam posisi megang bola dan posisi ngarah ke gawang (tergantung posisi kemana kita mengarah beda pencetan ). Asumsi posisi kita menyerang ke gawang kanan maka posisi badan pemain bner2 lurus ke kanan, lalu dalam posisi diam, tekan tombol serong atas atau atas sebanyak 2x, atau tombol bawah atau serong bwah sebanyak 2x
7. Play the ball = saat posisi diam dan memegang bola tekan R2 sbanyak 2x
8. Gocek 1 = saat berlari dan membawa bola tekan tombol L1 sbanyak 2x
9. Gocek 2 = saat berlari dan membawa bola tekan tombol R2 sbanyak 2x
10. Gocek Special = Cuma untuk pemain2 yg berskill tinggi keq Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Robinho, etc ( bner2 SUPERSTAR yg jago dribble yach) saat berlari dan membawa bola tekan tombol R2 sbanyak 3x
11. Gocek kiri kanan diam = dalam posisi diam dan memegang bola tekan tombol serong ke arah yg berlawanan, misal pemain kita menghadap ke kanan, lalu tekan tombol serong kanan atas lalu secara cepat tekan tombol serong kanan bwah
12. Gocek kiri kanan jalan = sama teorinya keq gocek yg no 11 cuma dilakukan saat jalan (bukan lari lho). Catatan : itu pencet serong atas lalu bwah nya bner2 msti cepet sprti seakan - akan menyeret, klo ga gt ga bkal kluar.
13. Stopin bola 1 = Saat lari lalu lepas smua tombol lalu tekan R1
14. Stopin bola 2 = saat lari laulu lepas smua tombol lalu tekan R2
15. Passing lambung sedang = saat pasing lambun di dket daerah pinallty tekan O 2x
16. Passing lambung leret = saat pasing lambun di dket daerah pinallty tekan O 3x
17. One two datar = saat mao passing tekan tombol L1+X lalu Segitiga
18. One two datar = saat mao passing tekan tombol L1+X lalu O
19. Tendangan congkel 1 = saat tendang tekan tombol L1+Kotak
20. Tendangan congkel 2 = saat tendang tekan Kotak setelah power bar terisi dan pemain lum nendang tekan R2
21. Tendangan lebih akurat = saat tendang tekan tombol Kotak+R2 (bola bkal menjadi lebi pelan tetapi lebi akurat)
22. Drive shot = tendang (pake Kotak )pas bola lagi memantul atau bola lum memantul dan pastikan bner2 pas dengan posisi kaki, maka bola yg ditendang akan melambung lalu nukik ke bawah
23. Trik Dribble jauh : tekan R1+R2 pada saat dribble ke arah yang diinginkan
24. Super Cancel : Pada saat umpan ataupun tendang, pada waktu bar power terisi dan belum melepaskan umpan ataupun tendangan segera tekan R1+R2
25. Free Movement : pada saat ga pegang bola ataupun saat trima bola, tekan R1+R2 maka kita bisa bebas menggerakan pemain ke arah manapun ( jadi saat menunggu bola kita bisa memotong jalan dengan bebas, ataupun sundul, kita bisa memotong pemain kita ke arah depan penjaga kita sehingga dalam sundulan bisa menjadi lebih efektif karena menang posisi- posisi kita jadi di depan penjaga-)
26.Free Kick 1 = saat tendang freekick tekan R2+Kotak, maka bola akan menjadi lebih terarah tetapi tenaga berkurang
27.Free Kick 2 = saat tendang freekick tekan R1+Kotak, maka bola akan menjadi lebih kencang tapi lebi pendek lambungannya
28. Free Kick 3 = saat free kick tekan tombol kotak + tombol bawah untuk semakin melambungkan bola, tapi tenaga berkurang
29. Free Kick 4 = saat free kick tekan tombol kotak + tombol atas untuk semakin menambah tenaga, tetapi lambungannya menjadi agak pendek
30. Free Kick 2 orang = pada saat freekick tekan R1+R1 maka freekick mode akan menjadi 2 orang
31. Free Kick 2 orang shoot 1 = saat free kick 2 orang, tekan L1+X maka orang ke 2 akan mempassing bola secara pelan
32. Free Kick 2 orang shoot 2 = saat free kick 2 orang tekan tombol L1+Kotak maka orang ke 2 lha yang akan mengambil tendangan
33.Trik julur bola ke depan : saat drible lurus ( contoh drible ke kanan lurus) gesek tombol R3 ke atas bawah atas atau sebaliknya dengan cepat
34. Pager betis 1 : tekan O saat saat bola mao ditendang agar pager betisnya pada lari maju
35. Pager betis 2 : tekan X saat bola mao ditendang agar pager betisnya diem ( tidak melompat)
Trik lainnya….Tanya ma Konami aj yg buat WE bro, cuma ini trik yg ane tau, klo ada yg tau lagi tlg diposting biar bantu2 buat maen.
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Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Manfaat dan khasiat Jahe Merah untuk kesehatan pria

Sebenarnya sudah lama ingin menampilkan tentang khasiat jahe ini. Eh ketemu artikel di yang membahasa tentang khasiat jahe merah. Yah..aku tampilkan aja disini semoga bermanfaat bagi kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh kita

Jahe Merah Cegah Impotensi

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan jahe? Salah satu bumbu masak yang aromanya khas ini tak hanya dipercaya bikin masakan jadi lebih enak, tapi juga bisa menjadi obat alternatif. Jahe merah salah satunya. Hmm..untuk obat apa saja ya?

Jahe atau yang biasa dikenal dengan nama latin Zingiberaceae ternyata memiliki beberapa jenis. Salah satunya adalah Zingiberaceae Officinale Rose atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama jahe merah. Mungkin beberapa orang tidak mengetahui jenis jahe ini.

Kalau dilihat sepintas, tidak ada yang berbeda dengan jahe biasa yang digunakan untuk memasak. Hanya saja ukurannya lebih kecil dari jahe biasa. Warna jahe ini merah muda hingga tua, tak heran jika diberi julukan jahe merah. Jahe biasa dengan jahe merah memiliki kandungan yang serupa namun dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda.

Jahe merah sering dijadikan campuran obat tradisional. Hal ini karena aroma dan rasanya yang lebih pedas jika dibandingkan dengan jahe biasa. Kalau jahe merah digunakan untuk masakan, justru akan merusak dari rasa utama masakan trersebut.

Jahe merah mengandung minyak astiri yang tinggi. Terdiri dari zingeberin, kamfena, zingebern, gingeral, dan juga shogool. Selain itu juga jahe merah mengandung asam aksolat, gingerin, asam malat, dan juga asam organik. Jahe merah diketahui berkhasiat sebagai pencahar, antirematik, dan obat masuk angin.

Selain itu, jahe merah juga bisa mengobati radang tenggorokan, sakit pinggang, meredakan asma, mengobati nyeri otot, menghangatkan badan, penambah nafsu makan, serta mencegah masuk angin. Karenanya setiap orang yang meminum jahe merah akan merasa lebih segar dan juga bisa membangkitkan gairah seks. Karena rasa panas dan hangatnya membuat pembuluh darah lebih terbuka dan aliran darah menjadi lancar. Dengan kata lain bisa mengatasi gangguan ereksi atau mencegah impotensi.

Meskipun jahe merah ini cukup baik mengobati beberapa jenis penyakit, tapi untuk mereka yang menderita penyakit maag harus berhati-hati. Kandungan gingerol nya yang tinggi bisa membuat lambung panas dan teriritasi. Sehingga menambah kronis si penderita maag.

Di Cina, jahe merah digunakan sebagai viagra alami, merangsang keluarnya air susu ibu, mendorong produksi getah bening, menjaga kekebalan tubuh, mencegah kemandulan dan memperkuat daya tahan sperma. Unsur farnesal yang terkandung dalam tanaman ini juga mampu mencegah proses penuaan karena merangsang regenerasi sel kulit.
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WE8 International+3 club Cotumize baru good

Ini Update bagus-bagus banget meskipun belum pernah saya coba tapi patch ini saya rasa paling bagus deh. WE8 International .
cara updatenya lihat di lapak lain aja gan, ini tapi paling baru updatetannya klik ini aja ya trus angka 12nya hapus kalo udah di download KONAMI-WIN32WE8UOPT_12
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spesifikasi fitur Sony Ericson S003

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Teknik bermain WE yang baik

DRIBBLE adalah cara menggiring dan mempermainkan bola dengan kaki. Teknik ini digunakan untuk mempertahankan bola dan mengecoh pemain lawan. Cobalah untuk menguasainya dengan cara menekan keypad arah, atau analog kiri.

Variasi Dribble dalam Winning Eleven :

Dribble berputar – Tekan keypad arah secara berlawanan.
Jump (melompat / menghindari tekel) – Tekan tombol R2
Gerakan menipu sambil berlari dengan bola – Tekan tombol R1
Dash (dribble sambil berlari) – Tekan tombol R1 + keypad arah.
High speed dash (dribble cepat) – Tekan tombol R1 + tekan dua kali keypad arah
Dribble lambat – Tekan tombol R1 + keypad arah
Dribble super cepat – Tekan tombol R1 + R2 + keypad arah secara diagonal
Marseille Roulette (putaran 360 derajat) – Putar analog kanan (R3) sampai 360 derajat.

Tendangan Bebas :

1. Hindari tembok, arahkan saja ke kipernya,
2. Dari sudut manapun bisa, arahkan saja ke kipernya.
3. Perkirakan kekuatan tendangan. untuk 25 meter kebawah, bar power tendangan jangan sampai melebihi setengah.
4. Gunakan tendangan super** (lihat bawah).
5. Gunakan penendang yang punya power OK (lampard, adriano, totti, dll).

Tendangan Penjuru:

1. Gunakan tendangan “pisang”(tekan arah navigasi kanan/kiri setelah menendang), oleh karena itu..
2. Gunakan penendang yang punya curling tinggi
3. Disesuaikan dengan arah/kaki dominan penendang, misal corner kick dari kiri, gunakan penendang dengan dominan kaki kanan, sehingga tendangan pisanganya lebih menukik ke kiri, dan sebaliknya.
4. Arahnya diperkirakan bola menukik ke gawang(diarahkan ke kipernya jg gpp).

* in the game : kalo keliatan kosong (tinggal kiper, tidak terhalang bek) tembak saja!

** Tendangan super : bisa dilatih di training kok,intinya adalah menendang dengan keras dan terarah. kalo ga salah mencetnya; setelah dipencet kotak (shoot), tekan dan tahan R1+segitiga+arah depan

*** tahan R1+L1 jalan/lari miring, bagus untuk tipu2.

Tips dalam permainan

1. Berlarilah atau berjalan zig-zag, jangan lurus terus, untuk mengecoh lawan…
2. Gunakan Stop tiba2 untuk mengecoh lawan anda. tekan R1 (setelah lepaskan tombol arah), atau tekan R2 (yg ini stop dan menghadap ke arah gawang lawan).

TENDANGAN sudut merupakan salah satu momen yang berpeluang menghasilkan gol. Agar gamer mampu memanfaatkannya, hal paling mendasar adalah memilih pemain spesialis tendangan sudut. Ini sangat menentukan karena arah bola dan kurva tendangan spesialis corner susah ditebak oleh pemain-pemain lawan. Selain itu, operannya memudahkan pemain lain mencetak gol.

1. Langsung ke mulut gawang
Teknik ini lazim digunakan. Penendang langsung mengirimkan umpan ke kotak penalti lawan dan rekannya bersiap menyambut bola. Sebelum melakukannya, atur arah tendangan menggunakan keypad arah. Cari rekan di kotak penalti lawan yang berdiri bebas. Begitu waktunya tepat, langsung tekan tombol bulat.

Apabila calon penerima umpan dijaga lawan, caranya sedikit diubah. Tekan tombol L1 dan tombol bulat untuk mengumpan. Power yang digunakan jangan lebih dari setengah bar. Saat bola melambung tekan R2 agar pemain itu menyikut atau mendorong bek lawan, sambil mengejar bola.

Waktu bola melayang, penerima umpan melanjutkan dengan menekan tombol kotak. Ketika menekan tombol bulat, gunakan power kira-kira setengah bar.

2. Diumpan ke rekan terdekat
Jangan langsung menekan tombol bulat untuk melakukannya. Lihat posisi rekan lain di depan kotak penalti lawan. Jika semua dijaga, carilah rekan yang terdekat dengan penendang. Umpanlah kepadanya. Gerakkan pemain penyambut itu dengan menekan R2. Ketika bola masih mengambang, tekan kotak dua kali. Tapi ingat, gauge jangan lebih dari setengah bar.

Terakhir, jika ada pemain bebas dan berdiri di dekat pinggir lapangan, cepat tekan tombol silang. Setelah itu tekan tombol bulat tiga kali dan bola akan menyusur tanah. Arahkan ke gawang, dan pemain lain sudah siap melakukan tendangan first time atau diving header.

Tips tambahan:
1. Tekan silang usai bola dilepaskan untuk mengarahkan ke pemain di tiang dekat.
2. Tekan segitiga usai bola dilepaskan untuk mengarahkan ke pemain di tiang jauh.
3. Sambil menekan tombol bulat saat hendak menendang, gerakkan keypad ke kiri atau kanan untuk memberi efek melengkung.

Beberapa Tricks.

1. Lari biar makin cepet = tahan R1 ambil pencet arah yg dituju secara trus menerus

2. Loss in bola = saat terima passing lepas semua tombol n tahan R1

3. Loss in bola tapi ngejer = saat terima bola lepas semua tombol dan tahan R1 serta arah yang dituju

4. Clive turn = saat bawa bola puter analog kanan

5. Terima bola ke arah gawang = saat terima pasing lepas smua tombol dan tahan tombol R2

6. Fake step = saat diam dalam posisi megang bola dan posisi ngarah ke gawang (tergantung posisi kemana kita mengarah beda pencetan ). Asumsi posisi kita menyerang ke gawang kanan maka posisi badan pemain bner2 lurus ke kanan, lalu dalam posisi diam, tekan tombol serong atas atau atas sebanyak 2x, atau tombol bawah atau serong bawah sebanyak 2x

7. Play the ball = saat posisi diam dan memegang bola tekan R2 sbanyak 2x

8. Gocek 1 = saat berlari dan membawa bola tekan tombol L1 sbanyak 2x

9. Gocek 2 = saat berlari dan membawa bola tekan tombol R2 sbanyak 2x

10. Gocek Special = Cuma untuk pemain2 yg berskill tinggi keq Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Robinho, etc ( bner2 SUPERSTAR yg jago dribble yach) saat berlari dan membawa bola tekan tombol R2 sbanyak 3x

11. Gocek kiri kanan diam = dalam posisi diam dan memegang bola tekan tombol serong ke arah yg berlawanan, misal pemain kita menghadap ke kanan, lalu tekan tombol serong kanan atas lalu secara cepat tekan tombol serong kanan bwah

12. Gocek kiri kanan jalan = sama teorinya keq gocek yg no 11 cuma dilakukan saat jalan (bukan lari lho). Catatan : itu pencet serong atas lalu bawah nya bner2 mesti cepet seperti seakan – akan menyeret, klo gak gitu ga bakal kluar.

13. Stopin bola 1 = Saat lari lalu lepas semua tombol lalu tekan R1

14. Stopin bola 2 = saat lari laulu lepas semua tombol lalu tekan R2

15. Passing lambung sedang = saat passing lambung di deket daerah penalty tekan O 2x

16. Passing lambung leret = saat pasaing lambung di deket daerah penalty tekan O 3x

17. One two datar = saat mao passing tekan tombol L1+X lalu Segitiga

18. One two datar = saat mao passing tekan tombol L1+X lalu O

19. Tendangan congkel 1 = saat tendang tekan tombol L1+Kotak

20. Tendangan congkel 2 = saat tendang tekan Kotak setelah power bar terisi dan pemain lum nendang tekan R2

21. Tendangan lebih akurat = saat tendang tekan tombol Kotak+R2 (bola bkal menjadi lebi pelan tetapi lebi akurat)

22. Drive shot = tendang (pake Kotak )pas bola lagi memantul atau bola lum memantul dan pastikan bner2 pas dengan posisi kaki, maka bola yg ditendang akan melambung lalu nukik ke bawah

23. Trik Dribble jauh = tekan R1+R2 pada saat dribble ke arah yang diinginkan.

24. Super Cancel = Pada saat umpan ataupun tendang, pada waktu bar power terisi dan belum melepaskan umpan ataupun tendangan segera tekan R1+R2

25. Free Movement = pada saat ga pegang bola ataupun saat trima bola, tekan R1+R2 maka kita bisa bebas menggerakan pemain ke arah manapun ( jadi saat menunggu bola kita bisa memotong jalan dengan bebas, ataupun sundul, kita bisa memotong pemain kita ke arah depan penjaga kita sehingga dalam sundulan bisa menjadi lebih efektif karena menang posisi- posisi kita jadi di depan penjaga-)

26.Free Kick 1 = saat tendang freekick tekan R2+Kotak, maka bola akan menjadi lebih terarah tetapi tenaga berkurang.

27.Free Kick 2 = saat tendang freekick tekan R1+Kotak, maka bola akan menjadi lebih kencang tapi lebi pendek lambungannya

28. Free Kick 3 = saat free kick tekan tombol kotak + tombol bawah untuk semakin melambungkan bola, tapi tenaga berkurang

29. Free Kick 4 = saat free kick tekan tombol kotak + tombol atas untuk semakin menambah tenaga, tetapi lambungannya menjadi agak pendek

30. Free Kick 2 orang = pada saat freekick tekan R1+R1 maka freekick mode akan menjadi 2 orang

31. Free Kick 2 orang shoot 1 = saat free kick 2 orang, tekan L1+X maka orang ke 2 akan mempassing bola secara pelan

32. Free Kick 2 orang shoot 2 = saat free kick 2 orang tekan tombol L1+Kotak maka orang ke 2 lha yang akan mengambil tendangan
Catatan = Trik Free kick tersebut bisa dilakukan secara bareng asal sama jenisnya, contoh : Free Kick 1 + Free Kick 3 makan bola makin akurat tetapi no Power

33.Trik julur bola ke depan : saat drible lurus ( contoh drible ke kanan lurus) gesek tombol R3 ke atas bawah atas atau sebaliknya dengan cepat

34. Pager betis 1 : tekan O saat saat bola mao ditendang agar pager betisnya pada lari maju

35. Pager betis 2 : tekan X saat bola mao ditendang agar pager betisnya diem ( tidak melompat)

Pilih sistem permainan yang paling disukai dan dikuasai. Untuk pertama kali, jangan mencoba-coba formasi yang belum dikenal. Perhatikan pula posisi pemain yang akan dipasang. Editlah dengan benar sesuai posisinya. Ingat, jangan sampai salah posisi karena sistem permainan tidak akan berjalan sesuai yang dikehendaki.

2. Pahami kemampuan pemain Winning Eleven
Jangan mengganti pemain seenaknya. Misalkan memasang gelandang bertahan sebagai pemain sayap karena kemampuan pemain tak akan optimal. Biasanya pemain yang ditetapkan konsol di WE telah disesuaikan dengan kemampuan si pemain.

Jika tak cocok dengan pemain yang telah disediakan konsol, gantilah secara manual dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan formasi. Contoh, jangan sampai mengganti pemain sayap dengan pemain yang memiliki kecenderungan bermain di tengah.

Selain itu, hindari memasukkan pemain bertipe sama. Misalnya memasukkan empat penyerang sekaligus sejak menit awal. Itu hanya akan merugikan tim. Masukkanlah pemain sesuai formasi yang diterapkan. Baru jika ada yang cedera atau kurang fit, pemain cadangan bisa dimasukkan.

3. Gunakan setting manual Winning Eleven
Untuk menemukan gaya bermain sendiri, gamer bisa memulainya dengan mengeset pemain yang dipasang secara manual. Sebab, pada dasarnya, manual setting diciptakan agar gamer leluasa menggambarkan karakter permainan sendiri.

4. Rajin berlatih Winning Eleven
Tahap terakhir, perbanyaklah frekuensi bermain. Seringlah berlatih tanding. Lebih baik dengan rekan lain agar formasi yang disiapkan bisa diuji dengan beragam karakter lawan.

Indirect Freekick Winning Eleven

EFEKTIVITAS tendangan bebas tidak langsung untuk mencetak gol di WE biasanya lebih kecil dibanding tendangan bebas langsung. Namun jika menguasai triknya, tak sulit melakukannya, terutama jika dilakukan tak jauh dari kotak penalti. Kunci utamanya arahkan bola kepada pemain yang tak dijaga ketat.

1. Umpan datar Winning Eleven
Cara yang paling mudah adalah memberi umpan datar kepada rekan lain di mulut gawang lawan dengan menggunakan tombol silang. Cari pemain yang bebas dari kawalan lawan dan siap diumpan. Saat menerima bola, gunakan keypad arah untuk mengubah arah bola dan langsung tekan tombol kotak untuk menembak.

Cara lainnya, usai bola ditendang, gerakkan penyerang penyambut umpan dengan menekan tombol R2 menuju ke arah datangnya bola. Penyerang yang mendapat bola akan menjauh dari penjagaan bek lawan sehingga mendapatkan ruang untuk menembak.
Kedua cara ini sangat efektif saat tim lawan belum siap. Artinya, jangan terlalu lama mencari rekan yang tak dikawal. Lakukan hanya beberapa detik setelah tim lawan telah melakukan pagar betis.

2. Umpan lambung Winning Eleven
Gunakan umpan lambung dengan menekan tombol bulat ke mulut gawang. Sebelum melakukannya, cari pemain yang memiliki power sundulan yang tinggi. Saat dia bebas, langsung tekan tombol bulat. Jangan terlalu keras, cukup setengah bar atau bahkan kurang dari setengah. Trik ini bisa diterapkan saat memperoleh tendangan bebas yang cukup jauh dari kotak penalti lawan.

3. Manfaatkan penendang kedua Winning Eleven
Tak banyak yang menggunakan penendang kedua dalam mengeksekusi tendangan bebas. Padahal, efektivitasnya lebih besar dibanding mengumpan ke rekan yang berdiri bebas.

Untuk mengaktifkannya, tekan tombol select. Atur siapa yang menjadi penendang pertama dan kedua. Biasanya, pagar betis lawan akan bereaksi saat penendang pertama menyentuh bola. Di situlah kesempatan penendang kedua terbuka. Atur kekuatan dan kurva tembakan sama seperti mengeksekusi tendangan bebas langsung.

Bisa juga menggunakan gerakan tipu. Tekan tombol R3 agar penerima umpan berlari membawa bola. Setelah terdapat ruang tembak, segera tekan tombol kotak dan dikombinasikan dengan R2.

Tendangan Sudut Winning Eleven

TENDANGAN sudut merupakan salah satu momen yang berpeluang menghasilkan gol. Agar gamer mampu memanfaatkannya, hal paling mendasar adalah memilih pemain spesialis tendangan sudut. Ini sangat menentukan karena arah bola dan kurva tendangan spesialis corner susah ditebak oleh pemain-pemain lawan. Selain itu, operannya memudahkan pemain lain mencetak gol.

1. Langsung ke mulut gawang
Teknik ini lazim digunakan. Penendang langsung mengirimkan umpan ke kotak penalti lawan dan rekannya bersiap menyambut bola. Sebelum melakukannya, atur arah tendangan menggunakan keypad arah. Cari rekan di kotak penalti lawan yang berdiri bebas. Begitu waktunya tepat, langsung tekan tombol bulat.

Apabila calon penerima umpan dijaga lawan, caranya sedikit diubah. Tekan tombol L1 dan tombol bulat untuk mengumpan. Power yang digunakan jangan lebih dari setengah bar. Saat bola melambung tekan R2 agar pemain itu menyikut atau mendorong bek lawan, sambil mengejar bola.

Waktu bola melayang, penerima umpan melanjutkan dengan menekan tombol kotak. Ketika menekan tombol bulat, gunakan power kira-kira setengah bar.

2. Diumpan ke rekan terdekat
Jangan langsung menekan tombol bulat untuk melakukannya. Lihat posisi rekan lain di depan kotak penalti lawan. Jika semua dijaga, carilah rekan yang terdekat dengan penendang. Umpanlah kepadanya. Gerakkan pemain penyambut itu dengan menekan R2. Ketika bola masih mengambang, tekan kotak dua kali. Tapi ingat, gauge jangan lebih dari setengah bar.

Terakhir, jika ada pemain bebas dan berdiri di dekat pinggir lapangan, cepat tekan tombol silang. Setelah itu tekan tombol bulat tiga kali dan bola akan menyusur tanah. Arahkan ke gawang, dan pemain lain sudah siap melakukan tendangan first time atau diving header.

Tip Winning Eleven tambahan:
1. Tekan silang usai bola dilepaskan untuk mengarahkan ke pemain di tiang dekat.
2. Tekan segitiga usai bola dilepaskan untuk mengarahkan ke pemain di tiang jauh.
3. Sambil menekan tombol bulat saat hendak menendang, gerakkan keypad ke kiri atau kanan untuk memberi efek melengkung.

Istilah Parameter Player Ability Winning Eleven

Untuk memilih pemain Winning Eleven, gamer perlu mengetahui Ability yang dimiliki. Jangan sampai memasang pemain dengan ability menyerang lebih tinggi sebagai defender. Berikut ini istilah parameter ability di Winning Eleven. Semakin tinggi nilainya, semakin kuat ability pemain itu di hal tersebut.

Pemain Winning Eleven dengan nilai attack tinggi posisinya memang harus selalu di depan dan menyerang. Jangan diharapkan untuk diam di pertahanan karena nalurinya terus menyerang.

Pemain ini baru bisa diharapkan untuk mengawal pertahanan, karena akan memiliki kecenderungan untuk ke belakang menjaga lini pertahanan. Kalaupun disuruh menyerang, dia akan selalu mundur untuk membantu pertahanan.

Dengan body balance tinggi akan sangat bagus saat terjadi tabrakan dengan pemain lain atau saat situasi body charge dengan pemain lawan. Pemain seperti ini biasanya yang memiliki tubuh tinggi besar seperti Didier Drogba ataupun Adriano.

Tingginya nilai stamina akan membuat pemain tersebut tidak cepat lelah saat dipaksa terus berlari. Kondisi fisiknya tidak akan cepat mengalami penurunan hingga akhir pertandingan.

Semakin tinggi speed-nya, maka hal itu menunjukkan kecepatan maksimum yang bisa dicapai pemain itu saat berlari dalam kondisi tanpa bola.

Semakin sedikit waktu yang dibutuhkan pemain itu untuk dapat berlari mencapai kecepatan maksimum. Pemain tersebut mampu berhenti tiba-tiba, sebelum kembali berakselerasi meninggalkan pemain belakang.

Menunjukkan kecepatan pemain tersebut dalam bereaksi atau merespon umpan, dan cepat bereaksi saat kehilangan bola. Saat menempel striker seperti ini harus ekstra konsentrasi saat melakukan pemotongan umpan silang.

Menunjukkan ketangkasan pemain saat akan menerima umpan dan bereaksi dengan bola.

Makin tinggi nilainya, maka pemain akan semakin presisi/tepat saat dribbling membawa bola.

Menunjukkan kecepatan pemain saat dribbling. Kalau pemain seperti ini mampu lolos dari jebakan offside akan sangat sulit dikejar.

Parameter akurasi pemain tersebut melakukan umpan menyusur tanah, baik itu terobosan maupun umpan pendek

Semakin tinggi nilainya, maka umpan pendek akan makin cepat dan sulit untuk dipotong pemain lawan.

Semakin akurat saat melakukan umpan di udara, baik itu umpan panjang maupun terobosan lambung.

Semakin cepat umpan lambung di udara dan semakin sulit diantisipasi pemain lawan.

Semakin tajam saat tendangan ke arah gawang, semakin bagus posisi target saat melakukan tendangan untuk mencetak gol. Pokoknya asal menendang juga berpeluang besar menjadi gol.

Semakin kuat dan keras tendangan saat melakukan shooting ke arah gawang.

Semakin hebat pemain itu saat melakukan tendangan ke arah gawang meskipun dalam kondisi yang tidak menguntungkan, atau saat menendang tapi dalam pengawalan ketat dari lawan.

Semakin akurat posisi target yang ingin ditembak ke arah gawang saat melakukan tendangan bebas.

Menentukan seberapa lengkungan yang bisa diciptakan pemain itu saat menendang bola.

Semakin tinggi nilainya, maka semakin cepat pemain itu saat melakukan perebutan bola di udara untuk mengumpan maupun sundulan ke arah gawang.

21. JUMP
Menunjukkan seberapa kemampuan pemain tersebut saat melompat.

Semakin tinggi nilainya, maka kemampuan mengolah bola seperti menahan bola dan menggocek akan semakin tinggi dan sulit kehilangan bola.

Pemain akan semakin agresif melakukan serangan serta menempel lawan yang membawa bola.

Meskipun pemain dalam kondisi lelah ataupun bermain dalam tekanan saat tertinggal gol, maka tidak akan mempengaruhi permainannya bahkan bisa bermain lebih baik.

Kemampuan sebagai penjaga gawang semakin tinggi, maka akan mampu berguna sebagai penjaga gawang darurat, dan memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan penyelamatan gawang.

Semakin tinggi nilainya, maka kemampuan untuk bermain kerjasama dengan tim dan mudah untuk menerima umpan.

Tidak mudah mengalami kelelahan walaupun harus bermain berturut-turut.

Semakin tinggi nilainya, maka tendakan memakai kaki yang bukan kebiasaannya akan tetap tinggi. Contohnya jika pemain itu lebih sering memakai kaki kanan, maka kaki kirinya juga tetap mampu menendang dengan akurat.

Semakin tinggi nilainya, maka tendangan menggunakan kaki yang bukan kebiasaannya akan semakin sering dilakukan.

Istilah Parameter Player Special Ability Winning Eleven

Selalu berusaha melakukan dribble saat dalam kondisi menguasai bola (tidak cenderung langsung memberi passing). Hal ini berlaku untuk kondisi COM player.

Secara aktif berusaha mencegah bola direbut oleh pemain lain dengan cara dribble (untuk kondisi COM player)

Berada dalam posisi terbaik saat menerima umpan atau menerima crossing di daerah gawang lawan sehingga mudah melakukan tembakan ke gawang. Pastikan pemain belakang selalu mengawasi di mana posisi striker seperti ini, karena dia bisa tiba-tiba muncul di ruang kosong menyambut umpan ke daerah gawang dengan tembakan first time.

Akan bergerak agresif maju ke depan saat akan menerima bola umpan terobosan di daerah pertahanan lawan untuk mendapat kesempatan terbaik dalam menyerang meskipun rawan terhadap posisi offside.

Seperti seorang playmaker, saat pemain ini membawa bola, maka teman-temannya akan bersiap di posisi terbaik untuk menerima umpan.

Hebat dalam melakukan umpan. Saat membawa bola dan melakukan umpan, maka pemain yang menerima umpan akan bergerak dengan tangkas.

Kemampuan lebih dalam mencetak gol, lebih bagus mencari posisi untuk mendapat umpan sehingga semakin mudah mencetak gol.

Semakin mudah mencetak gol saat berhadapan satu lawan satu dengan penjaga gawang lawan.

Saat membawa bola sendirian di depan dan dalam keadaan terdesak, maka pemain ini akan mampu mempertahankan bola dan menunggu temannya dalam posisi untuk maju ke depan.

Semakin bagus dalam menyerang dan bertahan sepanjang garis offside.

Kemudahan melakukan shooting dan mencetak gol meskipun dari jarak yang lumayan jauh.

12. SIDE
Bermain dengan baik di posisi samping atau sisi lapangan.

Bermain dengan baik di posisi tengah lapangan.

Memiliki kemampuan baik dalam mencetak gol melalui tendangan penalti.

Akurat dalam melakukan umpan sekali sentuhan.

Saat melakukan shooting ke arah gawang, akan menjadi akurat saat menggunakan kaki bagian luar.

Bergerak mengawal ketat pemain penyerang lawan yang dijaga dan selalu berusaha mencegahnya menerima umpan.

Kemampuan melakukan sliding tackle dengan kemungkinan lebih kecil untuk terjadi pelanggaran.

Kemampuan untuk menutup ruang atau celah yang diterobos penyerang lawan setelah mampu melewati pemain bertahan.

Garis pertahanan akan lebih terkoordinasi, sehingga lebih mudah saat melakukan perangkap offside untuk pemain lawan.

Kemampuan untuk menyelamatkan gawang dari tendangan penalti lawan.

22. 1-ON-1 STOPPER
Kemampuan untuk menyelamatkan gawang dari situasi satu lawan satu dengan penyerang lawan, dan juga merespon dengan baik tembakan jarak dekat.

Kemampuan melakukan lemparan ke dalam yang lebih jauh dari pemain rata-rata.

Tip Dasar Dribbling Winning Eleven

Variasi Dribble dalam Winning Eleven :

Dribble lambat – Tekan keypad arah
Dribble berputar – Tekan keypad arah secara berlawanan.
Jump (melompat / menghindari tekel) – Tekan tombol R2
Gerakan menipu sambil berlari dengan bola – Tekan tombol R1
Dash (dribble sambil berlari) – Tekan tombol R1 + keypad arah.
High speed dash (dribble cepat) – Tekan tombol R1 + tekan dua kali keypad arah
Dribble super cepat – Tekan tombol R1 + R2 + keypad arah secara diagonal
Marseille Roulette (putaran 360 derajat) – Putar analog kanan (R3) sampai 360 derajat.

Tip Dasar Passing Winning Eleven

ADA beragam cara untuk melakukan passing di Winning Eleven. Anda bisa mempelajarinya operan yang dilakukan variatif.

Umpan mendatar – Tekan tombol silang + keypad arah (untuk mengarahkan umpan)

Umpan lambung / jauh – Tekan tombol bulat + keypad arah (ukuran kekuatan umpan lambung harus diatur agar tepat sasaran)

Umpan terobosan – Tekan tombol segitiga (biasanya untuk mengumpan seorang striker yang siap lolos dari pengawalan pemain belakang lawan)

Umpan one two – Tekan tombol L1 + tombol silang (biasanya untuk mengecoh satu orang lawan yang menjaga)

Manual pass – Geser dan tekan analog kanan (R3)

Umpan silang – Tekan tombol bulat (dilakukan saat kita berada di daerah penyerangan . Dan bisanya dilepaskan dari sisi kiri atau kanan pertahanan lawan)

Umpan silang ke tiang dekat – Tekan tombol bulat dua kali secara cepat

Umpan silang menyusur tanah – Tekan tombol bulat tiga kali secara cepat.

Umpan silang ke tiang jauh – Tekan tombol L1 + tombol bulat

Selamat Menikmati permainan Winning Elevennya ya…
Cara Curang bermain Winning Eleven  sebenarnya banyak banget.
Tapi yang membuat beda salah satunya mengenai keakuratannya. Maksudnya di saat kita telah menekan tombol yang di anjurkan maka efek dari tombol tersebut ada yang pasti keluar efek yang dimaksud dan ada juga yang keluar efeknya tidak pasti. Bahkan ada juga yang tidak sama sekali keluar efeknya. Lho terus ngapain kok ciptain cheat kalo nggak ngefek? Mungkin gamer penciptanya lagi iseng kali! Khusus di halaman ini kita tampilkan beragam cheat gratis tapi kami tidak tanggung jawab atas keakuratan dan fungsinya. Cheat ini di dapat dari gamer-gamer yang sudah putus asa mencari keakuratannya atas ciptaannya. Boleh jadi juga cheat ini dalam status pending atau masih di tingkatkan keakuratannya. Ada juga cheat yang sudah ada tanda-tanda efek yang di maksud cuman daya akuratnya masih butuh beberapa tombol lagi. Jadi para gamer punya kesempatan untuk mengembangkan cheat tersebut agar daya akuratnya lebih tinggi dan bahkan punya harga jual tinggi. Sebagai contoh kita bisa menambah beberapa tombol atau ribuan tombol lagi sampai ketemu titik keakuratannya yang lebih tinggi. Untuk itu mari kita coba lebih kreatif. Dan untuk para gamer yang ingin berbagi atau nyumbang cheat anda bisa isi langsung pada kolom komentar yang tersedia. Cara Curang bermain Winning Eleven .
Cara Curang bermain Winning Eleven  LIST CHEAT  PS 2

1. Lemparan jauh : Bola out : L2+R2+(A,A,K,SE,L)
2. Wasit Sabar : Loding kick off : R2,R1,L2.L1,SEL
3. Supporter lebih banyak: Loading kick off : A,A,A,R1,R1,L2,SE,L,L,L
4. Vitalitas nambah : Loding formasi : SEL3x,K,K,SI,R2,R1,L2,L1,SE,Ll,K,SI
5. Semangat tinggi : Loding kick off : Ll2,L1,K,K,SE,SE,Ll,L
6. Lari lebih cepat : Bawa bola : L,K,SI,R1,R2,L2,Ll,Ll,SI
7. Tendangan keras : Bola mati : K,K,K,K,K,L,K,L,K,L,K,L,L
8. Cidera dan sembuh : Pemain keluar : L2+L1,SE,L,SE,L,SE
9. Akurasi plus : Loding formasi : K,A,K,A,K,A,K,A
10. Tackling maut : Bola mati : SEL,A,L,A,L
11. Wasit buta : Loading kick off : KI,K,KA,KI,K,KA,KI,K,KA
12. GK lemah : Loding kick off : SEL+L1,KA,KA,KA,KA,SE,SE
13. Bola berat : Bola mati : SEL+A,B,K,K,L,A,A
14. Blank layar : Loading freekick 90%: R1+L1
15. Heading kuat : Corner : K,A,SEL+SE,K,K,SE
16. Tendangan gledeg : Bawa bola : R2+K,K,K,A,A,RI,LI,K,K
17. Icon fress : Loading formasi : R2+SE

Keterangan :

* SI : Silang
* SE : Segitiga
* K : Kotak
* L : lingkaran
* SEL : selec
* A : atas
* B : bawah
* KI : kiri
* KA : kanan
* Koma (,) : tekan tombol bergantian
* Plus (+) : tekan tombol bersamaan
* Cetak Tebal : tekan dan tahan
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Updete WE8 Pemain dan Tim

ini yang lebih baru lagi tapi ini lumayan bagus untuk buat mendapatkan banyak piala ini yang terbaik.. BAGUS DEH patch ini,
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WE 8 International Update + Customize Team

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WE8 international Patch Update terbaru 2012 Asli Costumize Tim

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Tema WE9 Original terbaru Asli

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Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Update Patch Pemain WE 8 International terbaru 2012

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disini klik KONAMI-WIN32WE8UOPT_8
jika anda tidak bisa menklik link diatas gunakan cara kontenporer

Link diatas merupakan patch update pemain WE 8 international terbaru 2012 dengan beberapa tim costum dan dengan stadion kebanggaan Indonesia
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Profil pemain Real Madrid Software Sederhana

link software Profile pemain Real Madrid FC
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Software biodata pemain real madrid

ini screenshotnya
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Lirik Lagu Glee Rumour Has It / Someone Like You

Lirik Lagu Glee Rumour Has It / Someone Like You

(oooooh oooooooh)
She, she ain’t real
She ain’t gon’ be able to love you like I will
Sure, she’s got it all
But baby is that really what you want?

Bless your soul, you got your head in the clouds
You made a fool out of you and, boy she’s bringing you down
She made your heart melt but you’re cold to the core
Now rumour has it
She ain’t got your love anymore

Rumour has it (rumour) (repeat)
Don’t forget me I beg
I remember you said

I heard that you settled down
That you found a girl and you’re married now
I heard that your dreams came true
Guess she gave you things I didn’t give to you

Rumour has it (rumour) (repeat)
Don’t forget me I beg
I remember you said

Never mind I’ll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Dont forget me I beg
I remember you said

Sometimes it lasts in love
but sometimes it hurts instead
Rumour Has It / Someone Like You Lyrics by Glee

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Update Patch WE8 international 2012 Juni

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Update patch Pemain WE8 International + Tim Futsal saya

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Folder1 untuk WE8i + update + save data

ini folder1 yang ada di folder KONAMI > SAVE jika anda ingin mendapatkan save data WE 8 saya silahkan klik ini aja , master udah good, cup good,league good. oke deh pokoknya

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WE 8 International SAVE data
klik link diatas yang merupakan save-an data WE 8 international milik saya
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WE 8 International ASLI patch

ini patch WE 8 yang biasa belom di custom dan di edit-edit coy
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Update WE 8 International 2012 baru banget

klik link ini aja buat download update WE8 international terbaru 2012 ada stadion indonesia LSI dan LPI dan ada tim custom juga lho
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WE 8 i update Pemain terbaru 2012

klik link ini
updatetannya KEREN banget kalo ga percaya coba aja bos.

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UPDATE WE8 International plus LSI dan LPI Terbaru
link diatas merupakan link update pemain WE 8 terbaru 2012 lengkap ada LSI dan LPI juga. KEREN deh pokoknya apalagi real Madridnya.
cara mengupdatenya
2.copy filenya ke folder KONAMI > Save > Folder1 pokoknya di Folder1 kalo perlu cari tuh yang namanya folder1
3.jika diminta Replace . . klik OK aja
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Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Cerita Rakyat dalam bahasa inggris-asal mula gunung tangkuban perahu

mount genesis tangkuban parahu

story from soil pasundan, west java

at west java precisely at regency bandung found a recreation place very beautiful that is mount tangkuban boat. tangkuban boat means boat upside down. given name likes because its for really resemble boat upside down. they say follow folklore parahyangan that mount really be boat upside down. follow the story.

aeon ago, soil parahyangan led by a king and a queen has only a daughter. that daughter nameds lady-in-waiting sumbi. he is very pretty and intelligent, unfortunately he is very spoiled. on a certain day moment is weaving at palace veranda, lady-in-waiting sumbi felt choked and dizzy. he drops the thread twined thread to floor repeatedly. moment the twined thread falls to kesekian lady-in-waiting the time sumbi be angry then swear, he will married any person who will want to get that the twined thread. correct after that oath words is said, come a magic dog that named tumang and extradite that twined thread to lady-in-waiting hand sumbi. so want not want, as according to the oath, lady-in-waiting sumbi must married dog.

lady-in-waiting sumbi and tumang happy alive up to they are favoured a child shaped human child but has magic strength likes the father. this child is given name sangkuriang. in a period of the growth, sangkuring se then accompanied to play by a dog that named tumang he knows only as loyal dog, not as the father. sangkuriang grow to be a boy handsome and brave strong.

on a certain day lady-in-waiting sumbi order the child goes the dog to hunt deer for a party. after several long look for without result, sangkuriang felt to desperate, but he doesn't want to disappoint the mother. so considerably forced he takes a bar of arrow and aim it in tumang. at arrival at home he extradites meat tumang in the mother. dayanng sumbi that estimate that meat venison, feel gl on the child success.
soon after party finisheds lady-in-waiting sumbi recall in tumang and ask to in where tumang present the child. in the begining sangkuriang felt afraid, tapa final he has said what had happened in the mother. lady-in-waiting sumbi be very angry, in his the anger strikes sangkuriang up to faint correct at the brow. on that the deed is lady-in-waiting sumbi is chased away out from kingdom by the father. the luck sangkuriang regain consciousness but the mother stroke leaves scar very wide at the brow. after adult, sangkuriang even also go to wander to detect world conditon outside.

some years then, sangkuriang come in contact with a woman very pretty. soon he haves woman. that woman the mother self, but they not mutual identified one same another. sangkuriang apply it, lady-in-waiting sumbi even also get conveniently. a day before wedding day, moment mengelus the fiance hair, lady-in-waiting sumbi see wide scar at forehead sangkuriang, final he realizes that he almost married the son self. detect lady-in-waiting the mentioned sumbi try to frustrate the wedding. after worry out him final decide to submit marriage condition unlikely granted by sangkuriang. the condition: sangkuriang must make a dam that can cover entire hills then make a boat to trace dam. all that must finished before the peep of day.

sangkuriang engage in. love it so big in sangkuriang give it a strange strength. not forget him also use strength whom he can from the father to call evil spirits and help it. with mud and their soil dams water from river and spring. a few moments before dawn, sangkuriang fell a bar of big tree to makes a boat. when does lady-in-waiting sumbi see that sangkuriang almost finish the job, he prays in gods to block the child job and speed up incoming morning.

cock crows, quicker sunrise from usually and sangkuriang realize that he cheated. considerably angry he curses lady-in-waiting sumbi and boot the product boat almost so to middle forest. that boat presents there in a state of upside down,  and form mount tangkuban perahu(perahu menelungkub). not far from that place found remainder tree stubble from tebangan sangkuriang, now we know it as stubble hill. dam that made sangkuriang causes entire hills is filled water and form a where sangkuriang lake and lady-in-waiting sumbi drown self and inaudible again people say up to now.
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Teknik Bermain WE yang baik dan Cheat dalam bahasa inggris

dribble manner drives and monkey ball with foot. this technique is used to defend ball and outwit opponent player. try to dominate it by depress keypad direction,  or left analog.

variation dribble in winning eleven:

dribble rolling – press keypad direction according to contrary to.
jump (jump / avoid tekel) – press button r2
movement cheats while run with ball – press button r1
dash (dribble while run) – press button r1 + keypad direction.
high speed dash (dribble fast) – press button r1 + press twice keypad direction
dribble slow – press button r1 + keypad direction
dribble fast super – presses button r1 + r2 + keypad direction diagonally
marseille roulette (rotation 360 degree)s – right analog roll (r3) until 360 degrees.

free kick:

1. koid wall, instruct to the goalkeeper,
2. from the aspect of manapun can, instruct to the goalkeeper.
3. estimate kick strength. to 25 down meters, pothouse power kick don't until exceed half.
4. use kick super** (see under).
5. use penendang that power ok (lampard, adriano, totti, etc).

corner kick:

1. use kick “pisang”(te right/left navigation direction after boot)s, therefore. .
2. use penendang that curling tall
3. accustommed with dominant direction/foot penendang, example corner kick from left, use penendang dominantly right foot, so that kick pisanga more nosedive to left,  and on the contrary.
4. the direction is estimated ball nosedives to gawang(diarah to the goalkeeper jg gpp).

in the game: kalo empty plasticity (lives goalkeeper, doesn't shut back) shoot!

* super kick: can be trained at training kok, the kernel boot hardly and directional. kalo ga wrong mencet; after pressed box (shoot), press and hold back r1+segitiga+arah in front of

** hold back r1+l1 road/run sloping, good to tipu2.

tips in game

1. run or walk zig-zag, don't be straight then, to outwit lawan…
2. use whoa tiba2 to outwit your opponent. press r1 (after discharge direction button),  or press r2 (yg this is whoa and look out on up at opponent goal).

corner kick is one of [the] moment berpeluang produce goal. so that gamer can to make use it, matter most mendasar choose corner kick specialist player. this is very determine because ball direction and specialist kick curve corner difficult guessed by opponent players. besides, the pass makes easy player other print goal.

1. direct to goal mouth
this technique is common is used. penendang direct send bait to opponent penalty box and the friend bersiap greet ball. before do it, arrange kick direction uses keypad direction. look for friend at opponent penalty box that stand free. so correct the time, direct press round button.

when does bait receivers candidate watched over opponent, its way a little changed. press button l1 and round button to mengumpan. power that used don't more than half pothouse. moment ball melambung press r2 so that that player nudges or push opponent back, while chase ball.

ball time flies, bait receivers continues with button box. when button round, use power approximately half pothouse.

2. mengumpan to friend closest
don't be direct button round to do so. see friend position other in front of opponent penalty box. if all watched over, look for proximate friend with penendang. bait to it. move that expecter player with depresses r2. when does ball still to float, press box twice. but remember, gauge don't more than half pothouse.

latest, if there free player and stand at elbow field edge, fast press cross button. afterwards press round button thrice and ball menyusur soil. point at goal,  and player other ready do kick first time or memving header.

tips addition:
1. press cross finisheds ball is released to aim to player at pole near.
2. press trilateral finished ball is released to aim to player at far pole.
3. while button round moment want to boot, move keypad to left or right to give curved effect.

several tricks.

1. run to let more cepet = hold back r1 take to crush direction yg aimed according to trus menerus

2. loss in ball = moment accept passing free all buttons n hold back r1

3. loss in ball but ngejer = moment accept free ball all buttons and hold back r1 with direction that aimed

4. clive turn = moment bring ball puter right analog

5. accept ball up at goal = moment accept pasing free smua button and hold back button r2

6. fake step = moment quiet in position megang ball and position ngarah to goal (where do we aim difference pencetan positional). our position assumption assaults to right goal so player body position bner2 straight to right, then in quiet position, press slanting button on or on as much as 2x,  or button under or slanting under as much as 2x

7. play the ball = moment quiet position and hold ball presses r2 sbanyak 2x

8. gocek 1 = moment run and bring ball presses button l1 sbanyak 2x

9. gocek 2 = moment run and bring ball presses button r2 sbanyak 2x

10. gocek special = only to pemain2 yg berskill tall keq cristiano ronaldo, ronaldinho, robinho, etc (bner2 superstar yg cock dribble yach) moment run and bring ball presses button r2 sbanyak 3x

11. gocek quiet right left = in quiet position and hold ball presses slanting button up at yg contrary to, our player example looks to right, then press right slanting button on then quickly presses right slanting button bwah

12. gocek road right left = same the theory keq gocek yg no 11 only is done moment road (doesn't run lho). note: that will crush slanting on then under he bner2 must cepet will like sea – will haul, klo caw gitu ga future kluar.

13. stopin ball 1 = moment run then free all buttons then press r1

14. stopin ball 2 = moment run laulu free all buttons then press r2

15. passing lambung = moment passing lambung at deket region penalty is pressing o 2x

16. passing lambung ray = moment pasaing lambung at deket region penalty press o 3x

17. one two flat = moment mao passing press button l1+x then trilateral

18. one two flat = moment mao passing press button l1+x then o

19. kick congkel 1 = moment kick to press button l1+kotak

20. kick congkel 2 = moment kick to press box after power content pothouse and player lum nendang press r2

21. kick accurateer = moment kick to press button kotak+r2 (ball bkal be lebi slow but lebi accurate)

22. drive shot = kick (pake box)pas ball again bounce back or ball lum bounce back and ascertain bner2 fit with foot position, so ball yg be booted melambung then nukik downwards

23. trik dribble far = press r1+r2 at the (time) of dribble up at desirable.

24. super cancel = at the (time) of bait and or kick, when does pothouse power content and not yet release bait and or kick soon press r1+r2

25. free movement = at the (time) of ga hold on ball and or moment trima ball, press r1+r2 so we can free menggera player up at manapun (so moment wait our ball can cut road freely, and or sundul, we can cut our player up at in front of our watchman so that in sundulan can be effectiveer because win posisi- our position so in front of penjaga-)

26. free kick 1 = moment kick freekick press r2+kotak, so ball will be directionaler but energy decreases.

27. free kick 2 = moment kick freekick press r1+kotak, so ball will be faster but lebi short lambungan

28. free kick 3 = moment free kick press box button + button under to more melambung ball, but energy decreases

29. free kick 4 = moment free kick press box button + button on to more energy increase,  but lambungan be rather short

30. free kick 2 person = at the (time) of freekick will press r1+r1 so freekick fashions will be 2 person

31. free kick 2 person shoot 1 = moment free kick 2 person, will press l1+x so person to 2 mempassing ball slowly

32. free kick 2 person shoot 2 = moment free kick 2 person will press buttons l1+kotak so person to 2 lha that will take kick
note = trik free kick can be done according to with origin same the kind, example: free kick 1 + free kick 3 eat ball more accurateer but no power

33. trik stick out ball forwards: moment straight dribble (dribble example to straight right) scours button r3 to on under on or on the contrary swiftly

34. calf fence 1: press o moment moment ball mao booted so that the calf fence in run to progress

35. calf fence 2: press x moment ball mao booted so that the calf fence mengem (doesn't jump)

choose game system most liked and dominated. for, don't dabble formation unheard-of. will look at also player position that be installed. edit truly appropriate the position. remember, don't until wrong position because game system will not walk as mengehendaki.

2. comprehend player ability winning eleven
don't replaced player as delicious as it. for example will turn on halfback will survive as wing player because player ability not optimal. usually player that appointed console at we have been accustommed ably the player.

if not fitt in with player that provided console, change according to manual consideringly formation need. example, don't until replaced wing player with player that has inclination plays in the middle of.

besides, koid to put into player bertipe same. for example puts four assailants all at once since beginning minute. that only will harm team. insert player appropriate formation that applied. new if some'x dispute or less fit, reservist player can be putted into.

3. use to setting manual winning eleven
to find style plays self, gamer can begin it with mengeset player that installed according to manual. because, basically, manual setting to created so that gamer free describe game character self.

4. diligent practise winning eleven
latest stage, multiply frequency plays. often practise to contest. better with friend other so that formation that prepared can be tested with various opponent character.

indirect freekick winning eleven

free kick effectiveness not direct to print goal at we usually smaller membanding direct free kick. but if dominate trik, in-difficult do it, especially if done not far from penalty box. main key instructs ball to player unguarded.

1. flat bait winning eleven
manner easiest bait flat to friend other at opponent goal mouth by using cross button. look for player frees from opponent guard and ready mengumpan. moment get ball, use keypad direction to change ball direction and direct press box button to fired.

another manner, finished ball is booted, move bait expecter assailant with button r2 aim up at ball incoming. assailant that get ball will go from opponent back guard so that will get space to will fired.
second this manner is very effective moment opponent team not yet ready. mean, don't too long look for friend not guarded. do only several second after opponent team has done calf fence.

2. bait lambung winning eleven
use bait lambung with button round to goal mouth. before do it, look for player that has power sundulan tall. moment he is free, direct press round button. don't too hard, enough half pothouse or even less than half. trik this applicable moment get free kick enough far from opponent penalty box.

3. exploit penendang second winning eleven
not a lot use penendang second in execute free kick. while, bigger the effectiveness membanding mengumpan to friend that stand free.

to activate it, press button select. arrange to who that be penendang first and second. usually, opponent calf fence will react moment penendang first will nudge ball. at situ chance penendang opened second. arrange strength and shooting curve same like to execute direct free kick.

can also use trick movement. press button r3 so that bait receivers runs to bring ball. after found space shoots, soon press box button and mengombinasikan with r2.

corner kick winning eleven

corner kick is one of [the] moment berpeluang produce goal. so that gamer can to make use it, matter most mendasar choose corner kick specialist player. this is very determine because ball direction and specialist kick curve corner difficult guessed by opponent players. besides, the pass makes easy player other print goal.

1. direct to goal mouth
this technique is common is used. penendang direct send bait to opponent penalty box and the friend bersiap greet ball. before do it, arrange kick direction uses keypad direction. look for friend at opponent penalty box that stand free. so correct the time, direct press round button.

when does bait receivers candidate watched over opponent, its way a little changed. press button l1 and round button to mengumpan. power that used don't more than half pothouse. moment ball melambung press r2 so that that player nudges or push opponent back, while chase ball.

ball time flies, bait receivers continues with button box. when button round, use power approximately half pothouse.

2. mengumpan to friend closest
don't be direct button round to do so. see friend position other in front of opponent penalty box. if all watched over, look for proximate friend with penendang. bait to it. move that expecter player with depresses r2. when does ball still to float, press box twice. but remember, gauge don't more than half pothouse.

latest, if there free player and stand at elbow field edge, fast press cross button. afterwards press round button thrice and ball menyusur soil. point at goal,  and player other ready do kick first time or memving header.

tip winning eleven addition:
1. press cross finisheds ball is released to aim to player at pole near.
2. press trilateral finished ball is released to aim to player at far pole.
3. while button round moment want to boot, move keypad to left or right to give curved effect.

player parameter term ability winning eleven

to choose player winning eleven, gamer shall have knowledge ability that has. don't until turn on player with ability assault higher as defender. follow parameter term ability at winning eleven. the value excelsior, gain strength ability that player is at the mentioned.

1. attack
player winning eleven with value attack tall the position really must always in front of and assault. don't be supposed for quiet at defense because the instinct then assault.

2. defense
this player is new can supposed to guard defense, because has inclination to rear will watch over defense line. even so orderred to assault, he always will retreat to will help defense.

3. balance
with body balance tall very good moment will happen collision with player other or moment situation body charge with opponent player. player likes this usually that has big tall body like mendier drogba and or adriano.

4. stamina
stamina value height will make player not tired fast moment be forced then will run. the physical condition will not fast experience depreciation up to will end match.

5. top speed
excelsior speed-, so that thing show maximum speed that can be achieved that player moment run in a condition without ball.

6. acceleration
more a little time that wanted that player to can run to achieve maximum speed. player can to bring up short, before return berakselerasi leave stopper.

7. response
show player speed in react or responsive bait,  and fast react moment lose ball. moment menempel striker like this must extra concentration moment do cross bait dismemberment.

8. agility
will show player knack moment will get bait and react with ball.

9. dribble accuracy
more taller the value, so player more presisi/correcter moment dribbling will bring ball.

10. dribble speed
show player speed moment dribbling. if player will like this will can to escape from trap offside very difficult be chased.

11. short pass accuracy
player accuracy parameter do bait menyusur soil, good that is also short bait

12. short pass speed
the value excelsior, so short bait more faster and difficult to cut opponent player.

13. long pass accuracy
more accurateer moment do bait on the air, good that is long bait also penetration lambung.

14. long pass speed
faster bait lambung on the air and more difficulter anticipated opponent player.

15. shot accuracy
more sharper moment kick up at goal, more gooder target position moment do kick to print goal. the main origin boots also berpeluang big be goal.

16. shot power
gain strength and hard kick moment do shooting up at goal.

17. shot technique
more greater that player is moment does kick up at goal although in a condition doesn't beneficial,  or moment boot but under guard tight from opponent.

18. free kick accuracy
more accurateer target position that want to fired up at goal moment do free kick.

19. curling
determine how curve that can be created that player moment boot ball.

20. header
the value excelsior, so faster that player is moment does ball struggle on the air to mengumpan also sundulan up at goal.

21. jump
show how player ability moment jump.

22. technique
the value excelsior, so ability cultivates ball likes to hold back ball and menggocek excelsior and difficult lose ball.

23. aggression
player more aggresiveer will do attack with menempel opponent that bring ball.

24. mentality
although player in a condition tired and or play in pressure moment remained goal, so will not influence the game even can play better.

25. field goal keeping skills
ability as excelsior goalkeeper, so will can useful as emergency goalkeeper,  and has ability to do to rescuing goal.

26. team work ability
the value excelsior, so ability to play agreement with team and easy to get bait.

27. condition/fitness
not easy experience exhaustion although play successive.

28. weakfoot accuracy
the value excelsior, so tent will wear foot not the habit tall permanent. the example if that player a more regular wears right foot, so the left foot also permanent can to boot accurately.

29. weakfoot frequency
the value excelsior, so kick will use foot not the habit more often be done.

player parameter term special ability winning eleven

1. dribbling
always make an attempt on dribble moment in a condition dominate ball (not inclined direct give passing). this matter valids for condition com player.

2. dribble keeping
mobilely try to prevent ball is grabed by player other by dribble (for condition com player)

3. positioning
stay in best position moment gets bait or get crossing at opponent goal region so that easy do shooting to goal. ascertain stopper always supervise where striker position likes this, because he can suddenly appear empty space greet bait to goal region with shooting first time.

4. reaction
will move aggresive will come moment will get penetration bait ball at opponent defense region to will get to chance best in assault although sensitive towards position offside.

5. playmaking
like a playmaker, moment this player brings ball, so the friends bersiap at best position to will get bait.

6. passing
great in do bait. moment bring ball and do bait, so player that get bait will move smartly.

7. scoring
special capability in print goal, bicer looks for position to get bait so that more easyer print goal.

8. 1-on-1 scoring
more easyer print goal moment face one opponent one with opponent goalkeeper.

9. post player
moment bring alone ball in front of and in a state of pressed, so this player will can to defend ball and wait the friend in position to come forth.

10. lines
more gooder in assault and survive along line offside.

11. middle shooting
ease does shooting and print goal although from goodly distance.

12. eunuch
play a good game at position side or field side.

13. centre
play a good game at position middle field.

14. penalties
has good ability in prints goal passes penalty kick.

15.1-touch pass
accurate in do bait once touch.

16. outside
moment do shooting up at goal, will be accurate moment will use exterior foot.

17. marking
move to guard tight opponent assailant player that watched over and always try to prevent it to get bait.

18. sliding tackle
ability does sliding tackle with smaller possibility to happen infringement.

19. covering
ability to close space or gap that breaked opponent assailant after can to pass by player survives.

20. d-line control
defense line more co-ordination, so that easier moment do trap offside for opponent player.

21. penalty stopper
ability to resque goal from opponent penalty kick.

22.1-on-1 stopper
ability to resque goal from situation one opponent one with opponent assailant,  and also responsive well short distance shooting.

23. long throw
ability does throw into further from average player.

tip base dribbling winning eleven

variation dribble in winning eleven:

dribble slow – press keypad direction
dribble rolling – press keypad direction according to contrary to.
jump (jump / avoid tekel) – press button r2
movement cheats while run with ball – press button r1
dash (dribble while run) – press button r1 + keypad direction.
high speed dash (dribble fast) – press button r1 + press twice keypad direction
dribble fast super – presses button r1 + r2 + keypad direction diagonally
marseille roulette (rotation 360 degree)s – right analog roll (r3) until 360 degrees.

tip base passing winning eleven

there various manner to do passing at winning eleven. you can study it pass that are done variatif.

bait horizontal – press cross button + keypad direction (to aim bait)

bait lambung / far – press round button + keypad direction (bait strength size lambung must be regulated so that correct target)

penetration bait – press trilateral button (usually to mengumpan a striker ready escapes from opponent stopper control)

bait one two – press button l1 + cross button (usually to outwit one opponent that watch over)

manual pass – shift and press right analog (r3)

cross bait – press round button (is done moment we reside in offence region. and the can it be released from left side or right opponent defense)

cross bait to pole near – press round button twice quickly

cross bait menyusur soil – press round button thrice quickly.

cross bait to far pole – presses button l1 + round button

congratulation enjoy game winning eleven ya…
dishonest manner plays winning eleven actually many banget.
but that make difference one of them hit the accuracy. the purpose at moment we have buttoned at suggest so effect from button there definitive out effect that meant and there also secretory dicey the effect. may even exist also bot at all out the effect. lho then why kok ciptain cheat kalo not ngefek? may be gamer the creator again kill time time! special at this yard us displays various cheat free but we don't responsibility on accuracy and the function. cheat this at can from gamer that desperate to look for the accuracy on the creation. perhaps also cheat this in status pending or still at improve the accuracy. there also cheat that there [are] effect marking at only the accurate power has stilled to want several buttons again. so gamer has chance to develop cheat so that the accurate power higher and even has price sells tall. for example we can increase several buttons or thousands button again until meet the accuracy points higher. for that let us try creativeer. and to gamer that want to share or nyumbang cheat you can direct contents in comment column available. dishonest manner plays winning eleven.
dishonest manner plays winning eleven list cheat ps 2

1. far throw: ball out: l2+r2+(a, a, k, se, l)
2. patient referee: loding kick off: r2, r1, l2. l1, cell
3. supporter more many: loading kick off: a, a, a, r1, r1, l2, se, l, l, l
4. vitality nambah: loding formation: sel3x, k, k, the, r2, r1, l2, l1, se, ll, k, the
5. tall spirit: loding kick off: ll2, l1, k, k, se, se, ll, l
6. run quicker: bring ball: l, k, the, r1, r2, l2, ll, ll, the
7. hard kick: jump ball: k, k, k, k, k, l, k, l, k, l, k, l, l
8. cidera and recover: player out: l2+l1, se, l, se, l, se
9. accuracy plus: loding formation: k, a, k, a, k, a, k, a
10. tackling death: jump ball: cell, a, l, a, l
11. blind referee: loading kick off: ki, k, ka, ki, k, ka, ki, k, ka
12. gk weak: loding kick off: sel+l1, ka, ka, ka, ka, se, se
13. heavy ball: jump ball: sel+a, b, k, k, l, a, a
14. blank sail: loading freekick 90%: r1+l115. heading strong: corner: k, a, sel+se, k, k, se
16. kick gledeg: bring ball: r2+k, k, k, a, a, ri, li, k, k
17. icon fress: loading formation: r2+se


the: cross
se: trilateral
k: box
l: circle
cell: selec
a: on
b: under
ki: left
ka: right
comma (, ): press button by turns
plus (): press button concurrent
boldface: press and hold back
necessary at remember cheat2 on still in status in rough but still can at develop to akuratan.
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Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Tugas dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. classify principal economy executant in indonesia economics:
1. consumption household /rtk
consumption household is economy unit smallest. consumption household owner or penyedia service from various factors of production. factors of production that has by household will be used by will company to will produce goods or service. also will use goods and service that produced to company to fulfill the need.
consumption household character:
1) consumer
2) supplier or factors of production owner
factors of production there 4 kinds that is:
1) nature
2) labour
3) capital
4) skill/skill
from fourth factors of production that belong original factors of production that is nature and labour while descendant factors of production consists of capital and skill
reply service from factors of production that is:
1) nature: ground-rent
2) labour: wage/salary
3) capital: capital flower
4) skill/skill: profit

2. household production/rtp/companies
company a organization that founded by one or several one who aim to produce goods and service that wanted society. company to be place go on it production.
character companies as economy executant that is:
1) producers: produce goods and service
2) factors of production user: use factors of production to produce goods and service
3) development agency: help government with run development activity

3. government
government mencangkup all institutions or government body that has authority and task regulates economy. and government jumps down direct in economic activity passes to company country (bumn/bumd).
government character as economy executant that is:
1) regulator: regulate country economics so that created economy stability so that harmless society
a) economy arrangement directly
example: licensing, environment control, tax payment, rate cost regulation, regulations abolition that evaluated to retard economy growth
b) economy arrangement indirectly
example: incentive gift for producers to produces certain goods, government calling so that conglomerate extradites 2,5% the profit to mengentas poverty
2) consumer: want goods and service in run the task
3) producers: produce goods and service passes state-owned corporation (bumn and bumd)
regulation: economic activity arrangement directly, so that government can configuring economics life in such a manner so that there is no one side even also that harmed
deregulation: regulation abolition efforts that evaluated to retard economics
4. abroad society
abroad society part as economy executant:
1) trade
2) labour transfer
3) capital planting
4) loan gift
5) aid gift

2. part 3 formal effort sectors in indonesia economics
1. publik ownwrship corporation (bumn)
as realization from paragraph 33 article 2 and 3 constitutions 1945 so mendirikanlah publik ownwrship corporation (bumn). bumn bada effort the capital a part big/entire government/country property. central government property corporation is called bumn, while corporation local government property the capital is called bumd(badan region property effort).
bumn and bumd founded utuk serve public interest and look for profit in ranka fill public treasury.
based on uu ri no 9 year 1969 company country diversifieds to be 3 kinds that is:
a) company government office (perjan)
be state-owned corporation that active in service. tujua to serve vast general/society importance (public service). be part from a government departement at lead by a head bersesatus civil public servant
feature perjan
? aim to serve society
? leadership and employee bersetatus civil
? be part from government departement
? get country facilities
? led by a head that direct to the higher in this case minister/director general head departem concerned
example perjan: company railroads and mortgaging government office
since year 1991, company to change status is public company, pjka be perumka and company mortgaging government office turns into perum mortgaging
b) public company (perum)
perum be state-owned corporation the aim besides to serve also permitted mencaei profit
feature perum
? aim to serve public interest, but permitted to look for profit with efficient work principle and efekifitas
? bersetatus corporate body that regulated based on uu
? active in us aim for mencarilaba/profit.
feature pt:
? the aim more besar(dominan) to look for profit
? usually formed pt
? a large part entire government property the capitals in the form of shares, but make possible capital ownership cooperation with other party
? government as biggest stockholder (minimal 51%)
? can not country facilities peculiarly
? led management council
? leadership and employee bersetatus as private official
example companies formed pt:
• pt indonesia post
• pt pelni
• pt estate
• pt gia (indonesia eagle airways)
• pt pln (company country electricity)
• pt btn (country savings bank)

publik ownwrship corporation that managed by local government is called region property corporation (bumd). company region company that founded by local government the capital a large part / entire local government property.
opinion aim companies region for development and economy potential development at region concerned.
example companies region among others: company drinking water (pdam) and local development bank (bpd)

as corporation that has by country, bumn has important role in economics as follows:
? bumn at intended can managed and use vital production branches to fulfill kebutuan masyrakat according to maksiml by capainya kesejateran dn people welfare in general.
? government passes to company country (bumr)dapat serve society according to maximal
? company country (bumn)diharap be one of [the] bational income source that come from income non tax
? bumn supposed can prepare employment sehingg can help to overcome unemployment
? bumn that do export activity, import can menmbah pengasilan defisa for country
? bumn at intended can speed up pertumbuan national economy

2. private property corporation (bums)
bums/company suasta company that given authority to conduct economic activity outside company country and cooperation
part bums in bational economy
? dig and memfaat potential economy not yet worked on by company country
? help government memenui kebutuan masyrakat
? increase acceptance defisa country from company suasta that do export activity, import
? help to speed up pertumbuan economy
? increase employment in the effort overcome unemployment
privat enterprise forms
privat enterprise in run usahan can formed limited liability, partnerships komanditer, partnerships fima,  and individual proprietorship

3. cooperation
function and indonesia cooperation character menurutuu no25 year 1992 section 4 as follows:
? build and develop potential and member economy ability especially and society in general to increase kesejateraan economy and sosisl
? impersonate with effectively dealam efforts heightens human life quality and society
? memperkokoh people economics as base strength and bational economy endurance with cooperation as soko the teacher
? out for mewujut and develop bational economy that be uasaha with by virtue of kinship basis and demokrai economy

3. identify manner establishes and mengelo bums!

our the example wants to establish p. t
establish pt must with bill of establishment company that published notary public and menyahkan olehmenteri judicature, then pt must registered at court negerisetempat and announced in official gazette. next explanation cuts to establish pt:
1. opinion aim pt included in association of not oppose against public interest.
2. name and position place pt be clear and berkedudu at indonesia area.
3. capital total that wanted and price every share sheet must included in association of.
4. share total must menyanggupi or sold minimal 20% from share total that planned and 10% from capital must menyetor in the form of cash into money supply has companied.
manner managed it:
1. organization existence companies clear and good for example:
meeting existence umm pemegan share
existence mereksi(direktur)
board of comisioner existence
employee existence
2. existence balance (balance) in profit distribution companies.
profit distribution pt:
1. tantieme: a part profit that given to management, board of comisioner member and officials as premium
2. deviden: a part profit that given to stockholder
3. reservist: a part profit that kept for capital addition companies.

4. identify specifics perkoperasian in indonesia (explanation, landasaan, principality, history, the membership, capital source, principles)
cooperation explanation
follow uu no. 25 year 1992 section 1 about perkoperasian, cooperation corporation beranggotaan cooperation law a/body person with melandas the activity based on cooperation principle all at once as people economy movement based on kinship basis. based on explanation, can be pulled conclusion as follows:
? perkoperasian everything that carry away cooperation life
? primary cooperative cooperation that founded by and membership orang- person
? secondary cooperation cooperation that foundeds by and keanggotan cooperation.
? cooperation movement keseluruan cooperation organism and activity perkoperasian has tepadu aim capainya aim with cooperation

meaningful cooperation symbol as follows:
a. chain describes coalitions steady
b. cog describes work effort then menerus from cooperation group
c. rice and cotton describes people welfare that carried on and be achieved by cooperation group
d. scales describes social justice as one of [the] base from cooperation
e. shield star describes basement idiologi cooperation five principles
f. banyan tree describes has social character and take root strong in society
g. indonesia cooperation article describes indonesia cooperation personality
h. white red primary colour describes cooperation national character indenesia
indonesia cooperation basement
• ideology basement: five principles
• structural basement that is constitution 1945
• operational basement that is uu no 25 tahun1992
• way of thinking basement that is solidarity
cooperation aim
follow uu no 25 year 1992 section 3 cooperation aims to improve kesehjateraan member especially and society in general with come along to build bational economy order in order to realize society that progress, fair,  and wealthy have a base five principles and constitution 1945.
cooperation effort principle
follow section 5 uu no 25 year 1992 about perkoperasian cooperation effort principle:
? has voluntary and opened
? management is done democratically
? bet income distribution is done fairly proportional with effort service magnitude each member
? gift replies limited service towards capital
? independence.
cooperation history
national history
follow drs. m. hatta at effort purpose based on on kinship basis in cooperation processing at eliminate it election delivers labourer and boss. this matter is at does by at participat labourer as owner companies to mean, work according to together to achieve aim together with menggilang individualism type.
historicly, cooperation movement in indonesia at begin sejakjaman dutch colonial. for example, in the year 1896 a patih at puwokerto, that is r. wiria atmanja establish a accomodation bank and saving and loan cooperation.
to menggembang cooperation self carries out 2 other principles, that is pendidikanperkoperasian and agreement delivers cooperation. education perkoperasian and agreement delivers cooperation is important cooperation principle in increases ability. expand member insight,  and brace solidaritasdalam mewujut cooperation aim

international history
first pioneer stand it consumption cooperation is internationalised robert owen from english and he is at conceive of consumption cooperation father. he is mempelopori stand it cooperation konsumsi”rochdale” (name a city at english) that founded by 28 unanimous textile factory labourers establishes a store to fulfill their need self
pioneer born it kopersi credit at world schulze delitzch german, establish savings bank and credit that attributed special for class entrepreneur and intermediate class. another cooperation pioneer friederich raiffeisen that establish credit cooperation for labours mempedesaan.
pioneer born it production cooperation charles fourier and louis blanc from prancis. oppressed labours by class capitalist then assembles to gather capital that used to establish to company and produce goods. company they found that be production cooperation.
development manner and cooperation construction
to develop indonesia cooperation life can be goed by as follows:
? conduct education and training perkoperasian to meningakat cooperation leadership ability
? conduct cooperation delivers cooperation so that koperasimempunyai strong competitiveness towards private effort sector and company country
? increase cognizance members and society towards benefit berkoperasi that can detenpuh pass exhibitions and information distribution lai. cooperation produces profit/profit.
? creat and develop climate and condition that push growth and permasyarakatan cooperation
? give guidance, ease,  and protection towards cooperation by give to chance effort seluas-luas to cooperation
? give bantun capital towards cooperation that followed constructively bimbngan pengeloalaan cooperation effort with technology aid and pengelolaa either from government, also companies big as foster father.
keaggotaan cooperation
a. cooperation member is owner and all at once cooperation coat user
b. cooperation membership is registerred in member list book
c. cooperation member every indonesia citizen mapu do law action ataukoperasi that fulfil rules as appointed in association of
d. cooperation can has member incredible rules, right,  and duty, keanggota as dalan anggran base
e. cooperation membership is based in economy importance sameness in cooperation effort scope
f. cooperation membership adapat got and ended after membership condition as arranged in association of
g. cooperation membership can not mempindah hand
h. every has duty and equal right towards cooperation sebaimana regulated in association of

cooperation member duties:
a. mematui association of (ad)dan household estimation (art) with decision that agreed on dalamrapat anggaota
b. participate in business activity that conducted by cooperation
c. develop and take care togetherness by virtue of kinship basis.
cooperation member rights:
a. realize, declare opinion,  and vote in meeting of members
b. choose and  or chosen to be member pengirus or supervisor
c. ask held meeting of members follows rule in association of.
d. propose suggestion or opinion to meeting of members outdoor board either in asks also is not asked
e. make use cooperation and get service same between member fellow
f. get explanation hits cooperation development follows rule in association of
cooperation capitalization
1) capital self
capital self that is capital in character underwrite risk among others:
principle deposit, that is member savings only at pay once during be cooperation member and magnitude at determine in association of and cooperation household estimation
obligatory deposit, that is member savings at pay routinely and magnitude at determine in association of and cooperation household estimation
reserve fund, that is penyisian from cooperation bet income not at share to member
gift, that is aid from third party doesn't decoy
2) loan capital
member, belong mendalamnya voluntary contribution
cooperation other and  or anggotaya
bank and financial institution lai
debenture publication and debt mail lai
source lai valid

5. identify about opinion manner, aim, part, feature, benefit, rat, distribution manner shu, dissolution and cooperation effort kinds.
step -langkah cooperation opinion
1. cooperation opinion early stage
a) there has importance same
b) has aim same to get ease in effort and increase sejateraan general
c) there member candidate at least 20 person stay in work areas not too far
d) existence a figure that can to be cooperation opinion pioneer
2. cooperation opinion preparation stage
a) there prakasa/figure and cooperation founder pioneer and strong willing from society caln member merealisasikan in the form of formation commitee pendiria cooperation
b) prepare concept base association of cooperation, concept example association of can be asked from local cooperation departement.
c) after ingredients prepare, cooperation opinion commitee invites member candidate a group the person sekurang undercommunication 20 person, local government caretakers and local cooperation chief. in invitation determined place, meeting time,  and agenda of meeting composition.
3. cooperation opinion meeting execution
in cooperation opinion meeting execution, minimal must discuss agenda as follows.
a) cooperation opinion background
b) purpose and cooperation opinion aim
c) ask cooperation opinion sanctions to meeting participants
d) formulation and explanation association of and cooperation household estimation. in association of sekurang undercommunication makes matters, like founder checklist, name and position place, purpose and effort area aim, rule menganai membership, meeting of members, management, capitalization, duration stand it, bet income distribution,  and hit sanctions.
e) people who stipulating signings cooperation bill of establishment
f) election and board appointment and cooperation supervisor
4. reporting stage and cooperation corporate body submission
after cooperation opinion meeting finished, penggurus has duty to menindaklanjuti meeting decision result with do steps as follows:
a) make member list book and board list book
b) make report in writing about cooperation opinion meeting to local government
c) make and apply penggakuan cooperation corporate body to local cooperation departement office, usually reside in capital regency/ municipality. request must as follows
1) cooperation bill of establishment (double 2)
2) cooperation formation agenda of meeting message quotation that hold meeting participants total, total anggata and name at give authority to signing cooperation corporate body deed
3) cooperation beginning balance

cooperation kinds
a) follow the main effort
• consumption cooperation: cooperation with a purpose to predominantly prepare goods for member so that member gets goods that wanted at the price of achievable
• saving and loan credit/cooperation cooperation: cooperation the effort activity conducts saving and loan to the members that aim to help members repairs economy conditon by maminjamuang with light flower.
• production cooperation: cooperation the effort to menhasil goods and service together.
b) cooperation follows the effort field
? agriculture cooperation: that is cooperation that active in agriculture, like palawija, rice field agriculture and arable land
? husbandry cooperation: that is cooperation that move membidang husbandry seprti cow husbandry, chicken, etc
? estate cooperation: cooperation that move in estate area effort field.
? fisherman cooperation: that is cooperation the member fishermans. aim helps fishermans fulfils need and help to canalize the capture result fish
? industrial cooperation: cooperation little industrial the member
? service cooperation: cooperation to give service activities to the member likes transport cooperation and insurence cooperation
c) cooperation follows the effort unit:
? cooperation completely effort (multy purpose cooperative) that is cooperation that has more than one effort area, for example kud and ksu
? cooperation one effort kind (single purpose cooperative) cooperation that has one credit cooperation for example effort kind and consumption cooperation.
d) follow the stage:
? primary cooperative: cooperation that have as member person a. minimal member total 20 person. follow cooperation lowest tingkata. example kud,
? secondary cooperation: cooperation cooperation corporate body the member. secondary cooperation is divided to be 3 that is:
cooperation centre: be cooperation that founded at least 5 cooperations usually. the position level at municipality or regency. example: regency village unit cooperation centre bandung
cooperation federation: be cooperation that founded sekuramh-kurang 3 cooperation centres. level keduduka at provinsi example: republic of indonesia official cooperation federation (gkpri) provinsi central java
cooperation mother: be cooperation sekurang-kurangya have as member 3 cooperation federations. level keduduka at country city mother or national level. example: inkud (village unit cooperation mother)
cooperation dissolution:
rightful claimant breakups cooperation:
a. meeting of members decision
b. government, if:
1) cooperation unconstitutionals operative
2) the activity opposes public interest
3) the alive continuance can not supposed again

annual meeting of members (rat)
meeting of members is highest power in cooperation and done most a little 1 time in one year. meeting of members decides:
a. association of
b. general policy at organization area, management and cooperation effort
c. election, appointment, board stoppage and supervisor
d. work plan, income cost estimate and cooperation expense, with financial statement ratification
e. ratification and board responsibility in the task execution
f. bet income distribution
g. merging, fusion, distribution and cooperation dissolution

bet income (shu)
shu be cooperation income that got in one year book reduceds with cost, waning and another duty belongs tax in year book concerned.
distribution example shu:
in village unit cooperation (kud) “maju sejahtera” calculation shu year walk rp 30.000.000, principle deposit total and obligatory member rp 80.000.000, sale turnover during 1 year rp 100.000.000. shu mengantaranya allocated 20 % for savings service and 25 % for purchasing service. nn. tya ariesta as that cooperation member has principle deposit rp 100.000 and obligatory deposit rp 300.000. during 1 year he has shopped mengoperasi that in the amount rp 500.000. part shu that accepted nn. tya ariesta ….

savings service 20% x 30.000.000 = 6.000.000
purchasing service 25% x 30.000.000 = 7.500.000
shu that accepted nn. tya ariesta:

shu = 30.000 + 37.500
= 67.500

appropriate uu number 25 year 1992 about perkoperasian, formation condition is regulated in chapter iv, section 6, 7, 8.

formation condition:

1. primary cooperative is formed by at least 20 (two puluh) person. (paragraph 6).
this rules is meant to watch over effort elegibility and cooperation life. orang-seorang cooperation shaper them that fulfil membership rules and has economy importance same.
2. while secondary cooperation is formed by at least 3 (three) cooperations (paragraph 6).
3. cooperation formation is done with bill of establishment that hold ad (paragraph 7).
4. cooperation office address be clear (paragraph 7).

contents association of, explained in section 8, at least regulate 10 rules:

a. founder checklist;
b. name and position place;
c. purpose and aim with effort area;
d. rule hits membership;
e. rule hits meeting of members;
f. rule hits management;
g. rule hits capitalization;
h. rule hits duration stand it;
i. rule hits bet income distribution;
j. rule hits sanction.

corporate body status
cooperation gets corporate body status after bill of establishment menyahkan by government (paragraph 9)

a. manner gets corporate body status, founders must submit in writing with be espoused bill of establishment.
b. has time at longest 3 months since get request is written to decide to get or averse opinion request.
when is request accepted so bill of establishment ratification memumkan in official gazette ri.
when will request will be be aversed so founder will get written notice that espoused covering denunciateds denial.
when want to submit to repeat after aversed, founder can submit to return after one month since get denial notification.
towards this reintroducing, has time 1 (one) month since get submission to give decision.
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