dribble manner drives and monkey ball with foot. this technique is used to defend ball and outwit opponent player. try to dominate it by depress keypad direction, or left analog.
variation dribble in winning eleven:
dribble rolling – press keypad direction according to contrary to.
jump (jump / avoid tekel) – press button r2
movement cheats while run with ball – press button r1
dash (dribble while run) – press button r1 + keypad direction.
high speed dash (dribble fast) – press button r1 + press twice keypad direction
dribble slow – press button r1 + keypad direction
dribble fast super – presses button r1 + r2 + keypad direction diagonally
marseille roulette (rotation 360 degree)s – right analog roll (r3) until 360 degrees.
free kick:
1. koid wall, instruct to the goalkeeper,
2. from the aspect of manapun can, instruct to the goalkeeper.
3. estimate kick strength. to 25 down meters, pothouse power kick don't until exceed half.
4. use kick super** (see under).
5. use penendang that power ok (lampard, adriano, totti, etc).
corner kick:
1. use kick “pisang”(te right/left navigation direction after boot)s, therefore. .
2. use penendang that curling tall
3. accustommed with dominant direction/foot penendang, example corner kick from left, use penendang dominantly right foot, so that kick pisanga more nosedive to left, and on the contrary.
4. the direction is estimated ball nosedives to gawang(diarah to the goalkeeper jg gpp).
in the game: kalo empty plasticity (lives goalkeeper, doesn't shut back) shoot!
* super kick: can be trained at training kok, the kernel boot hardly and directional. kalo ga wrong mencet; after pressed box (shoot), press and hold back r1+segitiga+arah in front of
** hold back r1+l1 road/run sloping, good to tipu2.
tips in game
1. run or walk zig-zag, don't be straight then, to outwit lawan…
2. use whoa tiba2 to outwit your opponent. press r1 (after discharge direction button), or press r2 (yg this is whoa and look out on up at opponent goal).
corner kick is one of [the] moment berpeluang produce goal. so that gamer can to make use it, matter most mendasar choose corner kick specialist player. this is very determine because ball direction and specialist kick curve corner difficult guessed by opponent players. besides, the pass makes easy player other print goal.
1. direct to goal mouth
this technique is common is used. penendang direct send bait to opponent penalty box and the friend bersiap greet ball. before do it, arrange kick direction uses keypad direction. look for friend at opponent penalty box that stand free. so correct the time, direct press round button.
when does bait receivers candidate watched over opponent, its way a little changed. press button l1 and round button to mengumpan. power that used don't more than half pothouse. moment ball melambung press r2 so that that player nudges or push opponent back, while chase ball.
ball time flies, bait receivers continues with button box. when button round, use power approximately half pothouse.
2. mengumpan to friend closest
don't be direct button round to do so. see friend position other in front of opponent penalty box. if all watched over, look for proximate friend with penendang. bait to it. move that expecter player with depresses r2. when does ball still to float, press box twice. but remember, gauge don't more than half pothouse.
latest, if there free player and stand at elbow field edge, fast press cross button. afterwards press round button thrice and ball menyusur soil. point at goal, and player other ready do kick first time or memving header.
tips addition:
1. press cross finisheds ball is released to aim to player at pole near.
2. press trilateral finished ball is released to aim to player at far pole.
3. while button round moment want to boot, move keypad to left or right to give curved effect.
several tricks.
1. run to let more cepet = hold back r1 take to crush direction yg aimed according to trus menerus
2. loss in ball = moment accept passing free all buttons n hold back r1
3. loss in ball but ngejer = moment accept free ball all buttons and hold back r1 with direction that aimed
4. clive turn = moment bring ball puter right analog
5. accept ball up at goal = moment accept pasing free smua button and hold back button r2
6. fake step = moment quiet in position megang ball and position ngarah to goal (where do we aim difference pencetan positional). our position assumption assaults to right goal so player body position bner2 straight to right, then in quiet position, press slanting button on or on as much as 2x, or button under or slanting under as much as 2x
7. play the ball = moment quiet position and hold ball presses r2 sbanyak 2x
8. gocek 1 = moment run and bring ball presses button l1 sbanyak 2x
9. gocek 2 = moment run and bring ball presses button r2 sbanyak 2x
10. gocek special = only to pemain2 yg berskill tall keq cristiano ronaldo, ronaldinho, robinho, etc (bner2 superstar yg cock dribble yach) moment run and bring ball presses button r2 sbanyak 3x
11. gocek quiet right left = in quiet position and hold ball presses slanting button up at yg contrary to, our player example looks to right, then press right slanting button on then quickly presses right slanting button bwah
12. gocek road right left = same the theory keq gocek yg no 11 only is done moment road (doesn't run lho). note: that will crush slanting on then under he bner2 must cepet will like sea – will haul, klo caw gitu ga future kluar.
13. stopin ball 1 = moment run then free all buttons then press r1
14. stopin ball 2 = moment run laulu free all buttons then press r2
15. passing lambung = moment passing lambung at deket region penalty is pressing o 2x
16. passing lambung ray = moment pasaing lambung at deket region penalty press o 3x
17. one two flat = moment mao passing press button l1+x then trilateral
18. one two flat = moment mao passing press button l1+x then o
19. kick congkel 1 = moment kick to press button l1+kotak
20. kick congkel 2 = moment kick to press box after power content pothouse and player lum nendang press r2
21. kick accurateer = moment kick to press button kotak+r2 (ball bkal be lebi slow but lebi accurate)
22. drive shot = kick (pake box)pas ball again bounce back or ball lum bounce back and ascertain bner2 fit with foot position, so ball yg be booted melambung then nukik downwards
23. trik dribble far = press r1+r2 at the (time) of dribble up at desirable.
24. super cancel = at the (time) of bait and or kick, when does pothouse power content and not yet release bait and or kick soon press r1+r2
25. free movement = at the (time) of ga hold on ball and or moment trima ball, press r1+r2 so we can free menggera player up at manapun (so moment wait our ball can cut road freely, and or sundul, we can cut our player up at in front of our watchman so that in sundulan can be effectiveer because win posisi- our position so in front of penjaga-)
26. free kick 1 = moment kick freekick press r2+kotak, so ball will be directionaler but energy decreases.
27. free kick 2 = moment kick freekick press r1+kotak, so ball will be faster but lebi short lambungan
28. free kick 3 = moment free kick press box button + button under to more melambung ball, but energy decreases
29. free kick 4 = moment free kick press box button + button on to more energy increase, but lambungan be rather short
30. free kick 2 person = at the (time) of freekick will press r1+r1 so freekick fashions will be 2 person
31. free kick 2 person shoot 1 = moment free kick 2 person, will press l1+x so person to 2 mempassing ball slowly
32. free kick 2 person shoot 2 = moment free kick 2 person will press buttons l1+kotak so person to 2 lha that will take kick
note = trik free kick can be done according to with origin same the kind, example: free kick 1 + free kick 3 eat ball more accurateer but no power
33. trik stick out ball forwards: moment straight dribble (dribble example to straight right) scours button r3 to on under on or on the contrary swiftly
34. calf fence 1: press o moment moment ball mao booted so that the calf fence in run to progress
35. calf fence 2: press x moment ball mao booted so that the calf fence mengem (doesn't jump)
choose game system most liked and dominated. for, don't dabble formation unheard-of. will look at also player position that be installed. edit truly appropriate the position. remember, don't until wrong position because game system will not walk as mengehendaki.
2. comprehend player ability winning eleven
don't replaced player as delicious as it. for example will turn on halfback will survive as wing player because player ability not optimal. usually player that appointed console at we have been accustommed ably the player.
if not fitt in with player that provided console, change according to manual consideringly formation need. example, don't until replaced wing player with player that has inclination plays in the middle of.
besides, koid to put into player bertipe same. for example puts four assailants all at once since beginning minute. that only will harm team. insert player appropriate formation that applied. new if some'x dispute or less fit, reservist player can be putted into.
3. use to setting manual winning eleven
to find style plays self, gamer can begin it with mengeset player that installed according to manual. because, basically, manual setting to created so that gamer free describe game character self.
4. diligent practise winning eleven
latest stage, multiply frequency plays. often practise to contest. better with friend other so that formation that prepared can be tested with various opponent character.
indirect freekick winning eleven
free kick effectiveness not direct to print goal at we usually smaller membanding direct free kick. but if dominate trik, in-difficult do it, especially if done not far from penalty box. main key instructs ball to player unguarded.
1. flat bait winning eleven
manner easiest bait flat to friend other at opponent goal mouth by using cross button. look for player frees from opponent guard and ready mengumpan. moment get ball, use keypad direction to change ball direction and direct press box button to fired.
another manner, finished ball is booted, move bait expecter assailant with button r2 aim up at ball incoming. assailant that get ball will go from opponent back guard so that will get space to will fired.
second this manner is very effective moment opponent team not yet ready. mean, don't too long look for friend not guarded. do only several second after opponent team has done calf fence.
2. bait lambung winning eleven
use bait lambung with button round to goal mouth. before do it, look for player that has power sundulan tall. moment he is free, direct press round button. don't too hard, enough half pothouse or even less than half. trik this applicable moment get free kick enough far from opponent penalty box.
3. exploit penendang second winning eleven
not a lot use penendang second in execute free kick. while, bigger the effectiveness membanding mengumpan to friend that stand free.
to activate it, press button select. arrange to who that be penendang first and second. usually, opponent calf fence will react moment penendang first will nudge ball. at situ chance penendang opened second. arrange strength and shooting curve same like to execute direct free kick.
can also use trick movement. press button r3 so that bait receivers runs to bring ball. after found space shoots, soon press box button and mengombinasikan with r2.
corner kick winning eleven
corner kick is one of [the] moment berpeluang produce goal. so that gamer can to make use it, matter most mendasar choose corner kick specialist player. this is very determine because ball direction and specialist kick curve corner difficult guessed by opponent players. besides, the pass makes easy player other print goal.
1. direct to goal mouth
this technique is common is used. penendang direct send bait to opponent penalty box and the friend bersiap greet ball. before do it, arrange kick direction uses keypad direction. look for friend at opponent penalty box that stand free. so correct the time, direct press round button.
when does bait receivers candidate watched over opponent, its way a little changed. press button l1 and round button to mengumpan. power that used don't more than half pothouse. moment ball melambung press r2 so that that player nudges or push opponent back, while chase ball.
ball time flies, bait receivers continues with button box. when button round, use power approximately half pothouse.
2. mengumpan to friend closest
don't be direct button round to do so. see friend position other in front of opponent penalty box. if all watched over, look for proximate friend with penendang. bait to it. move that expecter player with depresses r2. when does ball still to float, press box twice. but remember, gauge don't more than half pothouse.
latest, if there free player and stand at elbow field edge, fast press cross button. afterwards press round button thrice and ball menyusur soil. point at goal, and player other ready do kick first time or memving header.
tip winning eleven addition:
1. press cross finisheds ball is released to aim to player at pole near.
2. press trilateral finished ball is released to aim to player at far pole.
3. while button round moment want to boot, move keypad to left or right to give curved effect.
player parameter term ability winning eleven
to choose player winning eleven, gamer shall have knowledge ability that has. don't until turn on player with ability assault higher as defender. follow parameter term ability at winning eleven. the value excelsior, gain strength ability that player is at the mentioned.
1. attack
player winning eleven with value attack tall the position really must always in front of and assault. don't be supposed for quiet at defense because the instinct then assault.
2. defense
this player is new can supposed to guard defense, because has inclination to rear will watch over defense line. even so orderred to assault, he always will retreat to will help defense.
3. balance
with body balance tall very good moment will happen collision with player other or moment situation body charge with opponent player. player likes this usually that has big tall body like mendier drogba and or adriano.
4. stamina
stamina value height will make player not tired fast moment be forced then will run. the physical condition will not fast experience depreciation up to will end match.
5. top speed
excelsior speed-, so that thing show maximum speed that can be achieved that player moment run in a condition without ball.
6. acceleration
more a little time that wanted that player to can run to achieve maximum speed. player can to bring up short, before return berakselerasi leave stopper.
7. response
show player speed in react or responsive bait, and fast react moment lose ball. moment menempel striker like this must extra concentration moment do cross bait dismemberment.
8. agility
will show player knack moment will get bait and react with ball.
9. dribble accuracy
more taller the value, so player more presisi/correcter moment dribbling will bring ball.
10. dribble speed
show player speed moment dribbling. if player will like this will can to escape from trap offside very difficult be chased.
11. short pass accuracy
player accuracy parameter do bait menyusur soil, good that is also short bait
12. short pass speed
the value excelsior, so short bait more faster and difficult to cut opponent player.
13. long pass accuracy
more accurateer moment do bait on the air, good that is long bait also penetration lambung.
14. long pass speed
faster bait lambung on the air and more difficulter anticipated opponent player.
15. shot accuracy
more sharper moment kick up at goal, more gooder target position moment do kick to print goal. the main origin boots also berpeluang big be goal.
16. shot power
gain strength and hard kick moment do shooting up at goal.
17. shot technique
more greater that player is moment does kick up at goal although in a condition doesn't beneficial, or moment boot but under guard tight from opponent.
18. free kick accuracy
more accurateer target position that want to fired up at goal moment do free kick.
19. curling
determine how curve that can be created that player moment boot ball.
20. header
the value excelsior, so faster that player is moment does ball struggle on the air to mengumpan also sundulan up at goal.
21. jump
show how player ability moment jump.
22. technique
the value excelsior, so ability cultivates ball likes to hold back ball and menggocek excelsior and difficult lose ball.
23. aggression
player more aggresiveer will do attack with menempel opponent that bring ball.
24. mentality
although player in a condition tired and or play in pressure moment remained goal, so will not influence the game even can play better.
25. field goal keeping skills
ability as excelsior goalkeeper, so will can useful as emergency goalkeeper, and has ability to do to rescuing goal.
26. team work ability
the value excelsior, so ability to play agreement with team and easy to get bait.
27. condition/fitness
not easy experience exhaustion although play successive.
28. weakfoot accuracy
the value excelsior, so tent will wear foot not the habit tall permanent. the example if that player a more regular wears right foot, so the left foot also permanent can to boot accurately.
29. weakfoot frequency
the value excelsior, so kick will use foot not the habit more often be done.
player parameter term special ability winning eleven
1. dribbling
always make an attempt on dribble moment in a condition dominate ball (not inclined direct give passing). this matter valids for condition com player.
2. dribble keeping
mobilely try to prevent ball is grabed by player other by dribble (for condition com player)
3. positioning
stay in best position moment gets bait or get crossing at opponent goal region so that easy do shooting to goal. ascertain stopper always supervise where striker position likes this, because he can suddenly appear empty space greet bait to goal region with shooting first time.
4. reaction
will move aggresive will come moment will get penetration bait ball at opponent defense region to will get to chance best in assault although sensitive towards position offside.
5. playmaking
like a playmaker, moment this player brings ball, so the friends bersiap at best position to will get bait.
6. passing
great in do bait. moment bring ball and do bait, so player that get bait will move smartly.
7. scoring
special capability in print goal, bicer looks for position to get bait so that more easyer print goal.
8. 1-on-1 scoring
more easyer print goal moment face one opponent one with opponent goalkeeper.
9. post player
moment bring alone ball in front of and in a state of pressed, so this player will can to defend ball and wait the friend in position to come forth.
10. lines
more gooder in assault and survive along line offside.
11. middle shooting
ease does shooting and print goal although from goodly distance.
12. eunuch
play a good game at position side or field side.
13. centre
play a good game at position middle field.
14. penalties
has good ability in prints goal passes penalty kick.
15.1-touch pass
accurate in do bait once touch.
16. outside
moment do shooting up at goal, will be accurate moment will use exterior foot.
17. marking
move to guard tight opponent assailant player that watched over and always try to prevent it to get bait.
18. sliding tackle
ability does sliding tackle with smaller possibility to happen infringement.
19. covering
ability to close space or gap that breaked opponent assailant after can to pass by player survives.
20. d-line control
defense line more co-ordination, so that easier moment do trap offside for opponent player.
21. penalty stopper
ability to resque goal from opponent penalty kick.
22.1-on-1 stopper
ability to resque goal from situation one opponent one with opponent assailant, and also responsive well short distance shooting.
23. long throw
ability does throw into further from average player.
tip base dribbling winning eleven
variation dribble in winning eleven:
dribble slow – press keypad direction
dribble rolling – press keypad direction according to contrary to.
jump (jump / avoid tekel) – press button r2
movement cheats while run with ball – press button r1
dash (dribble while run) – press button r1 + keypad direction.
high speed dash (dribble fast) – press button r1 + press twice keypad direction
dribble fast super – presses button r1 + r2 + keypad direction diagonally
marseille roulette (rotation 360 degree)s – right analog roll (r3) until 360 degrees.
tip base passing winning eleven
there various manner to do passing at winning eleven. you can study it pass that are done variatif.
bait horizontal – press cross button + keypad direction (to aim bait)
bait lambung / far – press round button + keypad direction (bait strength size lambung must be regulated so that correct target)
penetration bait – press trilateral button (usually to mengumpan a striker ready escapes from opponent stopper control)
bait one two – press button l1 + cross button (usually to outwit one opponent that watch over)
manual pass – shift and press right analog (r3)
cross bait – press round button (is done moment we reside in offence region. and the can it be released from left side or right opponent defense)
cross bait to pole near – press round button twice quickly
cross bait menyusur soil – press round button thrice quickly.
cross bait to far pole – presses button l1 + round button
congratulation enjoy game winning eleven ya…
dishonest manner plays winning eleven actually many banget.
but that make difference one of them hit the accuracy. the purpose at moment we have buttoned at suggest so effect from button there definitive out effect that meant and there also secretory dicey the effect. may even exist also bot at all out the effect. lho then why kok ciptain cheat kalo not ngefek? may be gamer the creator again kill time time! special at this yard us displays various cheat free but we don't responsibility on accuracy and the function. cheat this at can from gamer that desperate to look for the accuracy on the creation. perhaps also cheat this in status pending or still at improve the accuracy. there also cheat that there [are] effect marking at only the accurate power has stilled to want several buttons again. so gamer has chance to develop cheat so that the accurate power higher and even has price sells tall. for example we can increase several buttons or thousands button again until meet the accuracy points higher. for that let us try creativeer. and to gamer that want to share or nyumbang cheat you can direct contents in comment column available. dishonest manner plays winning eleven.
dishonest manner plays winning eleven list cheat ps 2
1. far throw: ball out: l2+r2+(a, a, k, se, l)
2. patient referee: loding kick off: r2, r1, l2. l1, cell
3. supporter more many: loading kick off: a, a, a, r1, r1, l2, se, l, l, l
4. vitality nambah: loding formation: sel3x, k, k, the, r2, r1, l2, l1, se, ll, k, the
5. tall spirit: loding kick off: ll2, l1, k, k, se, se, ll, l
6. run quicker: bring ball: l, k, the, r1, r2, l2, ll, ll, the
7. hard kick: jump ball: k, k, k, k, k, l, k, l, k, l, k, l, l
8. cidera and recover: player out: l2+l1, se, l, se, l, se
9. accuracy plus: loding formation: k, a, k, a, k, a, k, a
10. tackling death: jump ball: cell, a, l, a, l
11. blind referee: loading kick off: ki, k, ka, ki, k, ka, ki, k, ka
12. gk weak: loding kick off: sel+l1, ka, ka, ka, ka, se, se
13. heavy ball: jump ball: sel+a, b, k, k, l, a, a
14. blank sail: loading freekick 90%: r1+l115. heading strong: corner: k, a, sel+se, k, k, se
16. kick gledeg: bring ball: r2+k, k, k, a, a, ri, li, k, k
17. icon fress: loading formation: r2+se
the: cross
se: trilateral
k: box
l: circle
cell: selec
a: on
b: under
ki: left
ka: right
comma (, ): press button by turns
plus (): press button concurrent
boldface: press and hold back
necessary at remember cheat2 on still in status in rough but still can at develop to akuratan.
Rabu, 27 Juni 2012
Teknik Bermain WE yang baik dan Cheat dalam bahasa inggris

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